The loot trading system may work fine in Modern WoW but it will not work out in Classic WoW because the games are that much different.
Loot trading in Classic will create an toxic atmosphere of exclusivity.
How will this take place? Just as in TBC when they added arena to the system, players will start to segregate them selves into even more tightly organized cliques to avoid abuse that’s made possible by the loot trade system.
How does that work?
It’s been explained numerous times by numerous players that the modern system can easily be manipulated to hand loot over to any one in a clique that they desire. This gives any one player in a clique incredible power to progress in gear due to their co-conspirators ability to garner loot for them. In classic this is an extremely disruptive thing because the duration that you can exchange loot is too long and that the transaction is not public, meaning it can be hidden easily.
Proponents of the system claim it will help because then when some one mis-clicks loot distribution as master looter or if some one accidentally loots something then they can trade it to the party that should have gotten it.
I played Classic originally from when it came out to the day it closed on dec 5th 2006, and I cannot think of a single time when I was cheated out of loot because some one failed at master looter or accidentally looted an item.
I do believe that the whole group of people behind this are ignorant of how rare it actually was for loot to go to the wrong place.
They claim this will help minimize the work load on GM’s, but this is a moot point because we all know there are so few GM’s left in the modern game now that I would no be surprised if 98% of the “blizzard” responses are from botts.
Regardless of the GM situation, it is possible for the loot trade system to work out if the time to trade is limited to 1 minute, and that trade of loot transaction is some how displayed in a public way in chat with no way to filter that transaction; this way all know if loot changed hands. This transaction should also be in the form of a whisper for all party members involved in the dungeon or raid, so that if loot does change hands then even if the criminals who take part leave the party or raid; they will be found out.
Why is that important? Because this way the time to trade is narrow, and all involved parties can see that loot changed hands. This minimizes shady dealings and loot for gold racketeering that will unavoidably take place.
Something must be done to keep people honest IF GM’s are not going to be utilized in this classical way.
It’s my opinion that any loot change of hands after an error in distribution should be at the hand of a real human GM, but that system may never come back… I can only hope that it does.