Loot Trading for 2 Hours - Why It Is Actually Pointless

Okay… I have searched and searched all the reasons people hate the 2 hour loot system. I understand everyones points but I have not seen one point that actually shines brighter than the rest.

Blizzard claims that a loot trading system is necessary… why? They claim that it will cut down on the amount of GMs needed to support the game. I think they are partially correct.

YES, you will not need GM involvement for trading a piece of loot to a person that was meant to receive it. However, you will have a ton of people creating tickets due to misuse of the system.

Another thought… Blizzard seems to forget that ‘Cross Realm’ capabilities can still be utilized in Classic… this is what I mean:

I assume back in the vanilla days they had GMs assigned to each realm.
Blizzard has the ability to keep the cross realm features OFF for players while keeping the cross realm features available to their GMs. This would cut down a lot of cost because you would not need several GMs for each realm. Instead, GM accounts have Cross Realm activated and all GMs have the ability to talk and sort issues out with anyone on any realm. So while they might be currently on a server that does not have any tickets to answer at a particular moment… they can answer tickets from other realms.

Blizzard, I think it would be wise to come up with ideas like the one above before resorting to adding new player facing features that were never in the Classic experience.

Thoughts and ideas are encouraged here. What do you think?

I seriously doubt that. Overall ticket volumes would more than likely be reduced. If this wasn’t the case they wouldn’t be doing this. And they have the data to prove that it does indeed reduce ticket volumes.

I’m not saying they should have loot trading. But their reason for having it is legit.

Not sure why you’d think GM’s are server specific.


You’re right… I made an edit to clarify.

I understand their reasoning behind this, and it’s not exactly a deal killer for me. The biggest concerns Ive seen aren’t much of an issue and will be treated like ninja looting. That said you think 2 hours is excessive. 10 minutes tops, or until you leave the instance.

I was never a GM by any means, but I’m not sure why they would need a GM per server back in the day, they could have idk. Either way I don’t see this really ‘fixing’ the problem they are looking to fix.

I personally think they need to just get rid of loot trading, ignore loot requested tickets, or just simply give them an automated message basically saying ‘tough luck’.

Just let what happens, happen.

No loot trading and no GM loot support is the only sensible option.


In my opinion, as of right now, this is the only thing we should be pushing/discussing on this forum.

Sharding? If it is truly temporary it will have not matter.

Other changes? Waste of time

This is the only thing I can think of that we need to try to get blizzard to remove and have no support on tickets asking for loot help.

I disagree. Blizzard likes to slip in curveballs and make their own changes. If we have plenty of posts discussing the flaws of just about everything. Blizzard might think a little harder about implementing them.

Case in point. Sharding and loot trade have a large amount of resistance. If that was done prior to the demo would the demo have had it?

Haha, every once and a while you would see a gm’s character out in the world. Some would host events. They had a different colored name plate. Can’t remember the color, maybe orange or purple. Been so long…

If what you’re getting at is to discuss possible changes and shut them down then sure I can see that as well.

I mean… realistically? Yes, I bet it would have.

Hypothetical Situation that Can/Will happen.

10 people group up to do UBRS.
2 warrior tanks
1 warrior dps
1 rogue dps
6 others, each of the 4 listed has a friend with them.
Fel Striker drops.
MT wants to roll on it.
OT will roll of MT rolls.
Rogue says it’s a rogue item.
Fury warrior says it’s a melee item and wants it to.
All 4 will roll, there friends will roll, the priest wins it and gives it to his buddy.
3 people leave very unhappy making tickets possibly.
3 people leave annoyed that there friend didn’t get it.
2 people just wanted to finish the run.

This is going to be very common for Pre-Bis gearing as well. Expect nothing good to come out of loot trading. I don’t like ML outside of raids, it’s annoying.

Blizzards attempt to avoid tickets is idiotic. They should just refuse to assist with gear misloots and state that everything is final.

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Yeah, that’s it. We, as in the forum plus any other place discussing Classic, are typically hyper exhaustive when it comes to picking a topic apart.

It could backfire and give Blizzard an opportunity to prepare for their excuse. I think I’d rather see the conversations though. Because that is how those new comers to the topic get educated to the correct line of thinking.