Loot Trading Encourages More Ninja Looting

I don’t understand why they cannot just use the loot-trading for raids only. Hell, it should be for raids only.

That was the only time I could imagine needed to contact CS for a trade. Raid Leader messes up the masterloot and it goes to someone else. No one put in tickets to trade dungeon items.

No one contacted a GM because some low level hunter rolled need on a pair of strength mail gloves, but decided he wanted to give them to a warrior.

I think a nice compromise would be have it in raids ONLY. If someone presses need in your dungeon. Run the dungeon again and try for the item again.


Only available for ML option.
Not that difficult.

Loot trading is fine put down your torch and pitforks already. People did it back then and we survived but you know those people got caught and soft banned from people making regular groups but it was a rare occurrence in relation to the number of runs made on any given day. Thats why loot ninjas were treated with such disdain they would do it anyways and suffer the social consequences (no automated grouping) and most of the time were forced to transfer off the server.

Its going to be more rough in classic because their aren’t going to be as many servers there were and you can’t name change unless you transfer to a server and someone already has your name. You only get so many chances before that toon is toast.

God forbid you slip up and let someone know you transferred over for ninjaing and it gets out… your characters D-O-N-E

No people did not do it, gms may of traded loot to players but people did not do it themselves.
It was an abuse of gm power, and should of never been a thing because loot trading wasn’t there for everyone in the first place.

It probably would be harder to deal with loot ninjas if more than 1 is working together they could lie and call the people they ninja from as ninjas making people black list them, some people are more inclined to believe something if more then 1 person says something over 1 person.

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For the 15th year, there is no ninja looting in WoW. You agree to the loot system when you join. If it’s using group loot, the official Blizzard stance has always been that if you’re there for the kill, making you eligible to roll, then you’re allowed to hit need for whatever reason you want.

Back then when?

If you were in a 5 man and you decided you didn’t need it as much as the next guy or they made a good case you could get someone to trade you a piece of loot. A lot of hunters rolled on everything without really thinking about the impact of their choices. They had 2 shiny trinket slots called off hand and main hand for example.

Lets be fair here man… All loot is hunter loot, that’s why we do that.

Uh no. When you rolled need on a BoP you could not trade it, as it was bound to your character at that point. That is kind of the point of the thread, you dig?

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Most of the raids I was in were ML and guild orgnaised. Pugging goes against the spirit of vanilla. MMOs used to be about fostering tight knit communities, they used to be about exclusivity tribe vs tribe, there was cooperation between tribes from time to time sure, but by and large your main area of play was within your guild.

I have no problem with loot trading

Nah i don’t think pugging going against the spirit at all, sure most people ran guilds but I think something like openraid would be wonderful for Vanilla. Plenty of guilds pugged to fill in slots in their raid example if it meant they could go. Yea it wasn’t generally considered a long term solution but pugs often and have happened all through out wow history.

If anything I think people become too insulated and isolated from the rest of the community within their guilds.

Classic WoW is a social game the only reason I never went on to BWL is because I expanded my social circle and did MC with other guilds after mine stopped doing MC runs all together. I could of gone on to BWL but I enjoyed playing with other people as well.

You realize that loot trading will increase the insulation and isolation, right? Being the odd-man-out in a party will make it much harder to get gear (as the friends will just roll for one another, and trade). People will therefore just group with already established friends.

And all four of them and their guild are blacklisted.

In one dbag move they’ll have destroyed their guild as people who don’t want to be associated with ninjas gquit and the rest become ostracized.

I’m going to ML every boss if this loot sharing stays as the tank. I’m not losing my gear to a greedy ninja looter that wants to charge for gear.

Blacklisted by some random pleb? Think not.

The problem I have with it is in the context of non raid instance groups.

In real life, if they’re going to do that, they’re not going to pug you, they’re going to just bring a 5th with them. You guys go through so much effort to think up these random scenarios that you’re maybe going to see once or twice.

Plus, it’s 100% within the loot rules. If you don’t like it, there’s a very simple solution, don’t join groups with loot rules that you don’t agree with.

A handful of friends looking for 1 or 2 people to fill out a dungeon party is going to happen once or twice?

I don’t even know what game you’re talking about, because it clearly isn’t WoW.

No, all of them rolling need to give it to the one person that does is going to be what’s rare. How do we know? Because it’s been on live for years and this problem doesn’t exist.

How is that going to be rare? Of course friends will roll to give gear to their buddies. Are you kidding? And comparing Current WoW to Classic is absurd. Or do you want personal loot in Classic too?

And your stance of, ‘Don’t like it, then don’t join those groups’…I mean, really. A game design that discourages people from grouping with strangers. What a great concept in an mmorpg.