I don’t recall a single instance where someone was assigned the wrong piece of gear during a raid. Tantrums, yes, because people felt they deserved a piece more. But not accidental loot assignment.
Look, I get both points here, but I’m going to err on the side of the developers and give people and the community the benefit of the doubt. If players gang up on me to try and ninja an item or extort it from me, I’ll put in a bad rap on our server’s forum and move on.
The system is being implemented, not because the devs want to change classic but because they want the community to have a better experience - and that means freeing up resources at their end.
Source? Gimme a break, that legitimately didn’t happen that often. Most of the time it was given out to the wrong person on purpose. Blizzard is just using that as an excuse to keep customer support on the cheap.
Stamping out the chinese gold farmers is going to require more CS than saved by putting in loot trading.
Gbid and gold sellers are cancer.
Of course, maybe they’re planning on ignoring the gold sellers/gold buyers, in which case classic’s community will be no better than what we see on private servers (except we’ll have to pay $15/month for it). But gold sellers in retail led to tokens.
There are other hidden problems with Loot-Trading on the Raid side of things.
If the “TRADE” is not made public for people to see who were involved then as you’re aware some shady things will take place. Things such as paying others for the item they won, or multiple players rolling for an item they don’t actually need in a dungeon. This most of us agree on.
If the “TRADE” is given more than 30 sec to change hands, then the issues will arise with Raid leaders causing players to swap loot in loot council situations because “It’s for the greater good”, this will accelerate the gearing process for the guild to a state that was not possible under the old system. This is unhealthy for the game over all.
DKP trading, this will take place in a similar way to the loot counsel situation where other’s pay in DKP or even gold withing guild if a better item drops where a trade can take place. This will also artificially accelerate raid gearing processes in a way that is not natural.
None of these things are good for World of WarCraft Classic and this is why if Loot Trading is in game the timer to execute a loot trade must be less than 1 minute so that if a MISTAKE was made in a master loot situation then it can be corrected with out any sort of issue.
As for other loot systems, again I don’t feel this system should be present for non-master loot situations at all; it will only cause drama.
Yep, loot trading is one of the most detrimental things for the PUG end of vanilla seeing as most pugs are actually guild runs with a few randos to fill slots that can’t be filled at that time.
Loot trading rights only in raids, only by the master looter. U can trade it back to the master looter and he can then trade it to another raid member.
This is as far as it should go, otherwise No loot trading!
Loot works differently in BFA, so it may make sense there. But you are right, it’s bad idea for Classic. I don’t think they’ve thought this one through.
I can see it now: I’m in a dungeon/raid and a staff drops that is an upgrade for me and the Mage. The Mage has friends in the dungeon/raid and they roll ‘need’ on the staff too even though they can’t use it because they’ll just trade it to their friend the Mage.
Despite this I still win the staff. They demand I give the staff to the Mage. I refuse. So they kick me and all report me to get me squelched out of spite. Then they tell everyone in guild chat to mass report me and the next thing I know I’m booted from the game by the automated system (the automated report system that has NO place being in classic at all).
Yeah, loot trading (and auto-report) will work SO well.
Loot trading is clearly being implemented for business reasons not for gameplay reasons. The half-assed gameplay reason Ion gave at Blizzcon is laughable.
Since loot trading is being added to cut costs for shareholders it doesn’t matter how much feedback we give on the topic. Our voices are being heard and ignored.
Few things to mention here. The report feature is only those who are in your group or around you. You cant just /who whoever and click report they have to be within or around your target range. Meaning lets say your running MC and something happens said guildy in MC goes oh Forge this report him, I sitting in Stormwind cant /who Forge click your name in the who window and report you.
As far as loot trading I am whatever about it, it is what it is for me. Yes it a much better system in BFA due to personal loot, however I think to many people are predicting the sky is falling way to quick. Yes I get most people are thinking worse case scenario but that is what it is worse case scenario.
Now with that again people are kinda debating one thing while advocating and promoting another. One thing everyone chimes about is community in classic how rep means something people cared about their rep etc etc. However you really cant have it both ways, to sit here and make one statement about the community then turn around in another post showing such little faith in the same said community is a bit of a head scratcher. The fact that people have such little faith in the community to act accordingly with loot trading tells me as much as people advocate it even the staunches of those half do have a belief that the community will not be what it once was in vanilla as much as one wants to believe.
Run with your own guild then?IF you’re planning on getting anywhere you need a guild.
It will cost them less money because those people would never have played to start with and GM’s cost money. People who don’t want loot trading need to put their money where their mouth is and don’t play if it’s so game breaking.
I don’t want loot trading but if it’s something I have to stomach to play classic I will. I’ll be running with my guildies and when we need to pug I’ll actually be a decent human being and give pugs the fair chance on loot.
Honestly I think loot trading should be in but they need to restrict the living crap out of it somehow I wish I could think of a good middle ground or blanket solution but I am really drawing a blank.
A quick edit: Maybe have two different Group Looting options? “Standard” and “Classic” loot modes? With classic you can pick anything such as Master Loot, Round Robin, Need before Greed, ext with no loot trading. Or the ‘Standard’ loot we know today or ‘personal’ loot with the option of trading to players?