Loot Scarcity

Yeah I dont want to be mythic geared in a day or anything like that and I dont know why people want to keep pointing to the fact that the top players have only x ilvl above someone like me or that I have low keys so I must be putting in minimum effort. If anyone did the Timewalking raid it was way more enjoyable, not because the bosses where cakewalk easy but because they actually dropped loot. I probably wouldn’t complain if they had left in the reroll tokens so I could atleast target the bosses with the loot I want but so far im just using whatever drops.

Heck I lucked out because I decided to drop the gold on two boe weapons early in the xpac before the price jumped super high and it was a good choice because I think I have gotten one weapon drop after hitting 60.

It’s making you work to maybe get gear. Fill up your vault and there’s still a chance that everything is in your legendary slot. The problem isn’t that you need to work for gear, the problem is that you can put in the work and never get anything. I don’t care how it worked in Classic either, this is a modern game.

I know a lot of their dev team plays FFXIV, just lift the PvE currency system from that game straight up. Weekly lockout currency for normal ilvl gear, raid specific currency which drops from the HC/Mythic raids for appropriate ilvl gear. No, it doesn’t need to rain from the sky either. It could take 4-8 weeks to get 1 piece of gear from raid currency and it would still be a huge improvement because it’s at least a reason to show up to raid and it gives us agency in our gear progression.


I also don’t understand why this thread is being attacked?

The point was to simply just ask Blizzard to clarify there stance moving forward so those of us who would like to make an informed decision have the correct information.

Should Blizzard have plans in the works to change things, great… maybe some of the people who are quitting over this will stay. If not? At least those people will not be wasting their time or money on something that simply isn’t for them.


Blizzard’s response: “Working as intended, either git gud or leave lmao.”

Ok great, if that’s their resposne then I’d like to see them come out and publicly state it to all of the player base. lol

If you want to be a game designer, have the guts to either stand behind your systems or inform your player base what is wrong and your plan of action moving forward.

Yeah, I thought Ion gave his response in his interview with sloot ? So I’ll have to agree with you.

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I could be wrong on this but I believe this was before the system had enough time to be in players hands in order to get a grasp of whether or not they liked it.


Answer 1: Harder content will provide upgrades in almost all situations. In BFA, lower ilvls could be upgrades because of how stats work. Power progression through loot/stats is a core part of all rpgs.

Answer 2: If everyone is the same ilvl, then loot has no value. At that point the game would be the same if everyone was running around naked. Obviously, this will reduce how meaningful loot is.

Answer 3: If you are getting 20 pieces of high ilvl loot a week it no longer is a significant event. They are essentially filling your bags with purple vendor trash to make you feel good.


You won’t get one, go ahead and unsub, that’s the only and I mean ONLY way anything will change.

This, coupled with The Maw are probably the worst I’ve ever seen WoW at - this main goal has been accomplished and that is called time played metrics. This is what WoW is now and I have NEVER been so disappointed.


Right now we have the player base saying “loot scarcity sucks” and the Lead Developer is saying “it’s fine deal with it”. I just wish there was a middle ground to be found that works for most.


i been raiding since release and only heroic piece i have is from week 1 cache( 4 m+ dungeons)

all my gear is pvp. i hate pvp but if i dont pvp ill be behind in ilvl and prob sat
its okay for you because your prob in a low level casual guild but some of us want to progress its feast or famine why am i 10 ilvls behind my entire raid despite working just as hard


I have no Idea I’ll have to go back and read or watch the interview. I just wish the developers didn’t always seem so hell bent on things sometimes.

I wouldnt mind the loot change if people still werent getting RNG loot and decked out in little time while most of the other playerbase gets little per week. It just feels bad to have gear really imbalanced PVP and PVE wise (even though pvp gearing conquest is slow you eventually get something).

I liked how loot was in classic and TBC where it was hard to come by and work for but the game has changed so much. Now the loot gaps between high tier and lowe tier are so big and meaninful. I liked in TBC and vanilla if you had some epics it was cool and most loot until end game was blues and greens. Epics felt special but now it just feels terrible to get any gear as its not always main stat, the ilvl could suck, nothing can drop at all.

Just last week a hunter in TW raid got 4 pieces drop and 4 more given to him by another hunter. I got 3 pairs of the same shoulderpads. It doesnt feel good.


So your answer is “ilvl, ilvl, ilvl”… you don’t see an issue with that? That is not what “Meaningful Loot” design actually is.

Yes, it’s the staple of pretty much any RPG progression but meaningful loot has to do with the actual design of items. There would usually be certain items that are unique / special and change a way you play your character (Tier Sets etc)


Ironic. I feel like I’m getting shafted for not spamming Mythic+ for that easy high iLvl gear.

“Blizzard look I defended you! Do I have enough good boy points to buy the watch now?”


You get that out of a cereal box, with the secret ring decoder.

you don’'t speak for the ‘majority’ or even the ‘minority’ of the playerbase.
Speaking as a casual player I am ok with the current gearing this expansion, very early still in the expansion and I have a full 8/8 set plus a legendary and only need to fill in a slot or two (weapons and jewelry).

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That’s what this feels like haha, I don’t understand what the issue is here? It’s a simple request post.

Their response is abundantly clear. They nerfed the amount of loot dropped in TW raid, and they nerfed loot early on in CN because it was dropping ‘more than intended.’