Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

I need it for my item hoard.



Player power is temporary, transmog is forever.


My need for fashion surpasses you.

Sorry not sorry.


I’m wondering the same, since mine came from all world content for the weekly and a few Heroics. On my warrior, there’s never any drops to need on and on my others, I lost rolls.

I’m 490ish now.

This entire thread is you telling people what to do.


No one is lying. I was doing 2s last week as 495 on this character and 0s on my 490 Fury Warrior. The only LFR gear I have came from the Vault last week. Everything else was world drops or dungeon drops and upgraded.


Good thing you can literally get heroic tier from weekly world content.

This parroted nonsense just shows that you don’t even play the game. Like I said:

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Maybe they just don’t invite you cuz you write walls of text about nonsense and they don’t want to deal with you?

VS cool guy hunter who’s gunna bring lust and everyone loves


stop inspecting other people in random content and your made-up “problem” will go away :slight_smile:


That’s correct. But you’re missing the point. It’s a made up rule because what you want out of the loot system is not how it currently works. It may not be “good” or “okay” but that’s irrelevant to if the rule is made up. By the way, I use the system how you want generally speaking(unless I really want the mog because I know everyone else will roll need on it anyway). I lose a LOT of stuff I’d use for mog and I probably lose plenty of upgrades to people just mog farming. But I don’t think it’s “broken” as a system.

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It’s mine. MINE.

I need it for my void storage hoard.


The transmog roll can be changed to accommodate these outrage threads by simply making it a roll for the appearance, while people can still roll for the actual loot piece to equip.


Pugs do not owe you loot. They can roll whatever they feel like. They are not there to ensure that you will get upgrades.

If you want loot fairness, your best bet is to run with a guild that tries to distribute the loot as best as possible. But, even that will not be always perfect in everyone’s eyes.


glad to know you speak for literally every single player.

You have every week to get the mog, and you think its okay to make people have to depend on one piece of loot a week? Absurd lol. Selfish to no end.

I want loot for more people, and you preach more selfishness. WIld.

whyis this ever a thing people say? ITs the stupidest comeback I have ever heard in my entire life.

How could they possibly know?

you don’t have to inspect when they are doing three times as much damage lol.

its literally not made up. wtf is wrong with you?
you can go in game right now. go do something where there are loot rolls, and there are different options. Why are you pretending they are nto there?

IF you need, its for power. If you greed, its for gold or disenchanting. If you want transmog, they put in an option special, just for you.
How much more could you possibly need from them? you want them to just hand you all the transmog for a set from picking up one piece?

And people say I am entitled for wanting to share loot and distribute it better…

LOL sure bro.


YHup. And thank you for coming at this with a solution instead of more illogical nonsense.

I genuinely appreciate this.

Based on my limited experience with you where you wrote a wall of nonsense and I didn’t really want to deal with you

Also no way you’re not getting invites to mythics as a 505 healer


But then I lose the transmog to a need roll


I think having the “upgrade” system with catalyst allow that ilvl gear to be mogabble for the entirity of the xpac (with old currency) would solve most of this. Do some weekly stuff, upgrade said weekly ilvl stuff with catalyst and u get the mog you want and it’s gg.

Weapons would be the only thing to generate issues in lfr, but that’s hard to NEED when you have something above save some rare exceptions.

Either way, blizz won’t change it, they want us losing time.

I don’t speak for anyone, honey. I never said I did. But it’s factual information that the weekly quest and world boss give you five boxes of gear and there’s the current Timewalking quest, the Timewalking quest from the beginning of this season, and Heroics that can be upgraded AND the Vault to acquire your gear. Along with bullion for your weapons, trinkets and rings.

So telling people some can only gear from LFR is not only nonsensical, it’s flat out misinformation.

You’re the only one spouting that.


No, you lost to a player who needed to get gear to do more damage or healing or help make sure you don’t die by tanking…
Power is going to make your life easier. Transmog doesn’t.
You tired of wiping? maybe let other people have their player power.

Or, like Sendryn suggested, just make the appearance and gear seperate.
Let people roll for the transmog alone and then the gear can go to whoever is actually going to use it.

LFR gear is easy to replace.

I’ll keep on pressing the Need button for the transmog I don’t already have. I only roll on transmog items too. I don’t need on the rings, necklaces, or trinkets.

You’re talking about LFR gear, chill.

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