Loot issue 33 day ticket

It’s not just that someone else wants it, the loot being sent to a rogue was a mistake. But if this is true that they don’t help with these cases anymore then that’s pretty awful and doesn’t make me want to play a game like this where players have the power to screw over other players so easily.

How is it not?

Even the rogue has admitted he shouldn’t have done that. He started a ticket also. Who is the person arguing that the rogue deserves the loot? There is no dispute amongst who the loot should go to.

Then youve done all you could its in the gms hands id close your ticket.


As soon as the item was bound to the other player, any chance of it being taken from him and given to you was eliminated. For better or worse, it belongs to the rogue until he decides to vendor or delete it.

Your only hope of receiving that item is to run the encounter again and hope it drops again, and that your loot council is a bit more diligent when it comes to loot distribution.

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well I hope blizzard GMs are better than that because I’ve seen them actually correct situations like this multiple times, if not then there’s no reason to keep playing if this is allowed to go unchecked

THIS is the ticket that might, and I say might, result in action from a GM. If the person who has the item states it was a mistake and it should go to X instead, they might do so, but again, the “we don’t redistribute loot” is likely to apply here, esp seeing as it was equipped.


There was a time back in wrath that a GM gave a piece of gear i had to another person i was in a raid with as i had promised he could have and forgot to give it to him with the raid disbanded.

However i think that was only because i hadn’t equipped it. But that was a long time ago and polices change over time.

If the guild mate hadn’t equipped it there might have been a slight chance the GM could’ve given it to you but since they equipped it i don’t think a GM will be able to help.

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Well I can’t think of any good reason why they aren’t willing to help people anymore. If they don’t have enough people to do customer service in a timely manner that should be their priority. 33 days to get a response is insane.

Generally speaking they don’t want to get in the middle of personal loot disputes between players and guilds. Not their job.

It is our job as players to use the tools in game wisely. It is up to the Devs to create tools that make it easy for players to determine and distribute loot, as well as resolve loot issues themselves. Such as the 2 hour trade timer for items that were dropped within the raid group. Not sure if that mechanic is in Classic Wrath or not. I have not been playing it.

It is very time consuming ticket wise to get involved in that stuff - when it is something players can, and should, handle themselves.

Yes, that is nuts. I think everyone agrees on that.


That’s why he equipped it instantly because he knew he was going to have to trade it lol

Here’s one: equipping an item has always closed the window during which an item could be refunded or traded. Had the rogue not equipped the item, and opened a ticket right away, you might’ve had a shot at a better outcome.

So… he thought he was going to have to trade it, and his first instinct was to do the one thing that would prevent him from trading it? Doesn’t sound like anybody I’d want on my raid team.


Yeah, this is not an issue of the game mechanics being flawed. This is not an issue of the Devs not giving the players the tools to handle a Master Looter mistake. Those existed. This is a personal dispute between a raid member (rogue), the Master Looter, and another raid member (you).

This is something players have control over. Mistakes were made, and the rogue is a jerk, but Blizzard is not there to get involved in all our mistakes or disputes.


you realize that he can trade the item in wotlk classic within 2 hours of receiving it? All Your comments here are passive aggressive.

Not once he equipped it, no.

I’m sorry if that’s tone you infer from my comments. I was aiming for factual and accurate.


Mistakes happen on both blizzard and the players end. That’s what customer service is there for.

CS is not there to fix just any mistake a player makes. That is not what it is for. We have some personal responsiblity for the decisions we make in game. Who we invite to raids, how we hand out loot, how we deal with mistakes - like trading the item back before equipping it. They Devs created those tools for PLAYERS to resolve mistakes on their own. This is not a mistake with game mechanics or a flaw in the game.

This is a mistake where a jerk was invited to the raid group/guild, Master Looter handed out the item wrong, and the rogue did not use the mechanics in place to resolve that mistake - they equipped an item distributed to them.

This is a guild dispute issue and I would have kicked the guy. Again though, Blizzard is not going to look at your ticket, take the item away from the rogue, and give it to you.

The ROGUE ticketing to have it given to you might, and again might, result in something. That is the only chance that will happen and even that is unlikely.


So there should be no customer service then? Because these systems clearly don’t completely prevent people with bad intentions to do what they want. Don’t invite him? Not everyone is so clearly a bad person until something like this happens.

It’s not Blizzard’s job to protect you from jerks, or to insure you against mistakes made by yourself or other players.

Don’t invite him again. If someone shows you the kind of person they are, believe them.


That is not what anyone is saying. CS is for things the players can’t control themselves, that are particularly game breaking, for the most part. They are not for issues like:

  • picking the wrong quest item
  • loot disputes
  • game hints including drop rates, quest locations, etc.
  • bug reports (those use the in-game reporter or forum to go to QA)
  • making the wrong rep decisions
  • using a raid token wrong

There are many things in game that players have control over, and need to be cautious with because there are consequences to those decisions. Blizzard is not there to “hand hold” or “babysit” so to speak over every little thing. I realize that is not what you were asking, but they are not there to fix everything we do.

They create tools to give us the ability to do things ourselves - and we are expected to use them.

There is a great post on what GMs can do that was made by Vrakthris a while ago. It is worth reading. It covers things that GMs DON’T do, as well was what they can provide.

And again, it comes down to policy.

WoW Classic and Wrath Classic

In WoW Classic and Wrath Classic there are multiple loot methods that allow you to manage loot directly. For this reason, Customer Support will not redistribute loot in the event of a dispute between players. Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. We will investigate any reports of scamming that we receive and take the appropriate action, removing gains and penalizing those who violate this policy as needed. Items and gold will not be redistributed in these cases.

If you’re playing with a new group, it’s advised to always be clear on the loot rules before proceeding. Discuss the plans for distributing loot with the raid leader before you become locked into a raid. This will provide you with an opportunity to make an informed decision on whether you want to decline the invitation or leave the group.

We encourage you to group with others you trust, especially when using Master Loot. Ninja looting does have consequences in the community and those who do it will have trouble getting invited to group. Remember to play nice and play fair, especially when using Master Loot.