Loot is broken. No excuses

The game does not have a mechanism that prevents people from doing this, therefore it is quite possible that this is design intent. That in no way will change the fact that it feels bad for the player who needed the gear to equip when a player who doesn’t need the gear wins the roll and then turns around and demands money for it.

And when I say “money”, the fact is that a very large number of players said they were asking for a lot of gold. And whenever a lot of gold changes hands, RMT is also happening.

You forgot quitting the game entirely.

Just because there are guilds doesn’t mean that ye random player is going to get into one that is going to let him raid. In all likelihood they will require him to have the best gear he can get before considering helping him in any way. Come back in a month or two, dude.

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With very rare exception (like the priest and DK rings off Anduin), every ring, neck, and cloak is on every spec’s loot table. This meant that over the course of several weeks, more of those items would show up than any other item types. This isn’t a problem for PUGs where nobody trades, but for consistent groups where players will trade items they don’t need, it meant you had more of these than the raid needed when compared to other raid items. It was very difficult to get specific weapon types and some trinkets that were only on a few spec’s loot tables.

Frankly, I gave up even doing LFR (which is the only level I can even consider now) because of the abysmal low drop rate. In the few attempts I made I didn’t get anything, not one item. I have no idea what criteria other people were using to roll, whether they were highly geared players looking for mogs or people just rolling on everything, I had no idea. I only rolled on things I could use and never got a sniff of anything.

I get more gear doing world content and some stuff to get a chance in the Vault than I ever did doing a raid this expansion. My guild is basically dead (or close to it) and even it weren’t, they’d be doing Normals and I’m not up to doing anything beyond LFR.

That’s just my personal input, don’t know how it is for others.


If your guild gives all the gear to the already best-geared raiders and says “git gud” to those who are underperforming because the guys with the best gear get first dibs on all the gear, it’s hurting your guild’s progression.

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Good point, they can go do that too.

This is a weak generalization. Very weak.

What? I’ll be playing, idk what you mean. I’ve been subbed since BFA which means I’m obviously not going anywhere.

Easy to exploit? How is some jerk who is fully heroic raid gear going into LFR and hitting need on items not exploiting?

We should never be listening to top guilds for any reason as is. Or here’s a wild concept, you can let players choose what loot system they want :scream:

Man, you guys are so obsessed with gatekeeping and controlling what others can or cannot do. It’s no wonder WoW is genuinely perma dead.


The nobody who joins a guild, is undergeared, and is expected to gear himself up to show he is worth investing in. Not you.

Because if they can hit need through the system its not an exploit. Do you even know what the word means?

Id rather listen to top guilds over people like yourself that dont even know how the systems work.

PS the personal loot being removed hurt top guilds because they couldnt armor stack splits anymore.

PPS you lost any hope of that when people were throwing PL in the face of people who wanted ML to return as an OPTION and being told the loot is PL deal with it.

So, the loot is GL deal with it.

Youre so clueless you not only used gatekeeping incorrectly but dont even know what the word means.

I dont think you know how that works

Yeah this is just a terribly broad generalization of guilds. It’ll vary guild to
guild. Not sure what else to say.

Maybe In your made up little head cannon of what’s happening. Raiders gear outside of the raid and come to fill in gaps with raid drops. Important things like trinkets and tier will be distributed evenly to give everyone 4 pieces and prioritize bis pieces.

I bet this thread wouldn’t exist if you were that guy.

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Why? so people can Karen about it on the forums?

There are add-ons that already track your transmogs.

I’m usually half-way in the meters. That still prevents me from getting any chance at obtaining gear directed at the top 5 dps and top heals.

Let me ask you this. What do you do if you spend a raid night awarding 4 items to a single person and then something happens to them and they can’t join the next couple of raids, while others have received nothing meanwhile?

Tough I guess. You could’ve just used some common sense. Just like your ‘‘git good’’ mindset.

This seems like a hyperbolic example, but you’re still better off prog-wise with that player having those items when they return.

If you aren’t performing well enough to be getting fed bis items in a loot council environment, you’re better off joining a more casual raid that’s just letting everyone roll.

We run a loot council when we run heroic/mythic, and 4 items to one person in one run is not ever happening unless no one wants stuff.

Obviously there are extremes in any scenario, but it’s relatively clear when a loot council’s goals are to further progression vs just give gear to an inner circle.

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no it doesn’t. it just means you get it later than they do :slight_smile:

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Maybe you should just avoid breaking mirrors for a time!

because there is am easier fix but the playerbase wont hear of it… stop being a greedy jerk.

there are 2 reasons why overgeared people roll on LFR items. 1. They are an enchanter and they can destroy it for mats that we are all forced to buy to make crafted items. And 2. They vendor it. That simple.

Upon further consideration there is another reason why overgeared people do LFR and its just to get knowledge point drops for crafting, or to practice a new spec/rotation whatever.