Loot council is a joke

u replying to my thread so i reply duh lol.


So then the thread isn’t dead.

the way he keeps saying expose reminds me of that episode of “The Office” where they keep yelling parkour after everything

this thread remind me of South park episode of wow cuz we have a guy who keep coming to reply to my thread.

agreed, in truth I prefer LC guilds over DKP or EPGP, because its based on raid team preformance and raid team needs. Ive been in LC guilds since 2009, and ive yet to see any corruption, because yea it would become well known and people would leave quickly, and the officers would be unable to recruit new people


I have always been with a LC guild and haven’t seen anything corrupt.

I have seen decisions on gear that I didn’t agree with, but nothing outrageous.


yep same, ive seen things i didnt agree with, but nothing to say corruption, and honestly the few questionable things ive seen didnt amount to a hill of beans in the end.


Ive never came across a non corrupt LC guild.

If LC guilds would rotate council members everyweek that would be more fair. But like that ever happens lol

Your choice to make your “points” about your opinion on LC in this thread is really weird. If there was a raid full of this poster with their performance and attitude they wouldn’t get very far in the raid. Like there would be no loot because the group would dissolve after the first boss from people not doing a lot of DPS etc, dying to mechanics, afking, and rage logging all of which the OP did. He was hard-carried and brand new to the guild.

Two of those things (dying to mechanics and bad performance) can be fixed by people willing to listen and learn… but it is very obvious from the replies that the OP has no desire to do either of those things. The other two (randomly AFKing and rage logging) are not good qualities of a raider in any situation.

Like you don’t need to like loot council and if you live life overall thinking that everyone is corrupt and is out to get you then run with whatever loot distribution type you want. Nobody really cares.

However, supporting this guy just makes you look bad to 95% of the people here and makes it harder to respect the things you say on the forums in general.


then I’m gonna guess your joining casual guilds, because ive raided semi hardcore, and hardcore, and never ran into it, maybe the corruption is more in the casual guilds


To me this just screams you guild hop a lot and/or are incredibly bad at your class/spec.

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Sounds like one of two things is happening:

  1. You are joining incredibly casual or lazy guilds that don’t provide any sort of prio list or transparency with their loot council. Most average and semi competent guilds either use a spreadsheet or website like thatsmybis to track gear and provide at least a high level road map. If you’re new to a guild, you shouldn’t expect someone to lay this out for you on the first night. You’re there to demonstrate your performance and to gauge if you’re a good fit for the community. If you think you need to be compensated for your trial run in the form of gear, you most likely will be passed on.

  2. Your personal performance or social skills (or lack there of) are contributing heavily to people / guilds not wanting to invest in you. After all, you’re the only constant in all of these guilds you’ve joined that seemed to make LC work. Are you using consumes and demonstrating a basic knowledge of your class ? Is it possible that you’re unknowingly being cringe in discord or making people uncomfortable ? Could be a lot of reasons but it sure is odd that every group is separately choosing to not invest in you. A little introspection is probably good here.


you left a guild over tier legs? Boy I bet you are a ton of fun to hang out with lol


I am actually impressed this guy hasn’t got a long timeout yet. Toxic in game, toxic on the forums with constant passive aggressive trolling behavior.

Continually bumping his own thread for attention at any cost while insulting everyone that gives him constructive feedback. The guild dodged a major bullet that’s for sure!


I honestly think he might of levelled this hunter and joined an LC guild to do this. It screams frosstfire vibes to me and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d rolled bowntyhunter as an alt purely for this (plus the terrible parses match up with frossts green rogue parses).


Nope. Ive gotten loot in the first classic because of my performance I was given the first perditions blade from our first rag kill… And I stayed with that guild through most of classic until guess what they imploded due to funneling loot…

they were the homies but they were still corrupt lol. Lets be real
also Every other rogue especially those on the council were sword spec so that probably had something to do with it

Loot councils are always corrupt and pass on that oh officers have prio nonsense.
Tell them to rotate new council out every week… THEY WONT.

My original guild in Wrath brought in 2 raiders into the roster every week so they could see how it was done.

There was no loot drama the entire time.

I am sorry that you think everyone is extremely selfish though and out to get you. It must suck to live life like that.


Ah then I guess my guild that’s been around since classic is corrupt too… Damn I never knew.

You shouldn’t use abolute measures, because it’s more than likely that you’re going to be proven wrong.

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Do officers get priority? Then you might be in a corrupt council.
Do you find yourself and other council members getting all the big ticket items?
You might have a corrupt council. Etc etc
