I haven’t seen a single person ask for fresh hardcore on this forum or on other classic forums. What I have seen is a ton of people asking for fresh vanilla or tbc. Also, we haven’t had a fresh vanilla in 5 years but hardcore is getting a reboot after 1?
It really sucks that blizzard is more concerned with catering to streamers than the community at large. If we don’t get vanilla and/or TBC fresh along with the fresh HC servers that’d be a complete joke.
Is there something you could point to (either a link, or even an explanation of what you’re referencing for those of us who don’t know what your info is based on)?
I don’t know. They may well be basing it on Streamers, but that may also be who is driving the traffic anyway.

I’m hoping they also announce fresh tbc along with it or yes that’s very disappointing
Not that it couldn’t happen, but until I see an announcement from Blizzard, looking that both HC servers are low population I simply don’t see them adding new ones, and I find anything coming from streamers highly suspect, and would wait for an actual Blizzard announcement.
Also unless they get rid of the petri exploit on the new servers what’s really the point, and they could do that on the current servers.
Why? Because hardcore is a giant streamer grift. The holidays are coming so they need that revenue from farming views and donations by faking deaths in hardcore and reacting to it
Can’t have a fresh classic server while SoD is still running. Would just cannibalize SoD.
Hardcore scratches the itch for fresh leveling just fine. Only thing that hardcore really misses out on is endgame (which we’re currently doing on SoD)
It’s fine
Why is this a concern? Is SoD unable to stand on its own merits?
Most SoD players are retail / tbc / wotlk / cata players - they aren’t going to play much of a vanilla fresh anyhow.
SoD is at the point of raiding and only raiding. Another server that emphasizes raiding and endgame would eat it up.
Hardcore conveniently gives people an option for fresh leveling without accessible raiding.
Aptly used cannibalize as projection of the already dead state of SoD.
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What is the point of fresh HC servers? Is something stopping you from making a new char on an existing server and leveling it exactly the same how you would on a fresh server? The presence of higher-level chars doesn’t impede gameplay in any way.
I suspect the previous locust swarm bought so much gold that it poisoned the economy and streamers want to race to 60 on a fresh server where they can make believe they’re the big fish in the small pond. That atmosphere sells to their locust warm that consumes and destroys everything it touches.
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Hm. It’s not that I don’t want hardcore enjoyers to get something. But of all the game modes that a fresh benefits from, Hardcore is by far the least beneficial.
This is because deep down Blizzard’s developers dislike Vanilla and TBC because its not “Retail” enough. I feel like they only care about MTX and streamers.
Its for this reason that all their “NEW” things fail and or are terrible to play.
lmao who asked for this ?
please release tbc wtf
This is absolutely the case. They fear vanilla and TBC popularity because it goes against their current game design. Hence SoD which is retail enough for their liking.
I don’t know what you mean. I’ve asked about a fresh hardcore server for solo self found since hardcore was announced.
The only way to play hardcore is a self-found server. That way it becomes a social experience. Everyone’s dealing with the same strife and chat is hopping in general. Everyone showing off the greens they found like they’re epics.
It’s an extremely fun way to play the game. Tho, if they’re not launching that, then there’s no point.
Really hoping this is just rumors, would be majorly effed up if it were true…