Looks like "Tinker" will be the Next Class

it wasnt called orc beastmaster. just beastmaster, and it was rexxar.

Oh My! I actually had my facts wrong. My bad. It was just called “Beastmaster” where the Tinker was called “Goblin Tinker”

Regardless, that means very little. You could certainly have more than just Goblins.

Weren’t you done replying or do you just like me that much? <3

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still, the theme didnt have much to do with guns. it was like melee unit but also rockets and lazers

i think it makes most sense with smaller races because the mech suit was fundamental to the unit.

Hell, I’d probably go whole hog and make it a MechaGnome Tinker/Engineer, because REASONS.

I didn’t play Team Fortress much. My life was a little more “messy” back around this time and I wasn’t playing many video games on PC at the time.

Death Knights and Demon Hunters “evolved” over time too. No reason they can’t do the same with Tinker, should they decide to go with it.

It doesn’t have to be that static. We are trying to think outside the box a bit. I’m also including ideas from other games with similar units. Final Fantasy Tactics actually had a couple of units with abilities that would work pretty well (one unit would “throw potions” and the actual “Engineer” unit would use a gun, and possibly dropped a turret)

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Bard class incoming. With banjos and big straw hats. Step aside Tinkerer way of the leaf


We just met. We’ll see how it goes.

no combat abilities either. ahaha

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I like it. Bard class, no combat abilities whatsoever. It only gets experience by running around buffing other players with it’s spiffy banjo tunes.

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shouldn’t be available for like all the elves but plenty of other races could fit easily. draenei and lfd come to mind especially. they have some pretty advanced tech.

personally I think that classes that are restricted to only 2 races are cringe.

This Bard was a light fighter that used music to create Frost and Fire.

This idea that “Bards don’t fight” is just people not looking for other ways to create the class.

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i dont see dk and dh changing dramatically in their implementation to wow. but the proposed tinker changes in this thread really just sounds like a renamed hunter.


But we can fusrohdah mobs. Better yet cause mass confusion like that D2 curse.

Let the enemy fight itself. Meanwhile, I’ll be over here sharpening my gleeman blades


All of my characters can fit into the MechaGnome racial mount just fine, and we have ways in-game to resize things.

no he made a reference to wheel of time, the travelers are gypsies who abide by the way of the leaf. they never resort to violence. bard skill is a support type. i liked how ultima online handled bard.

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I really think that blizzard should invest in making class skins at this point, it’s not like we really need more classes to balance anyways.

maybe so but the tinker was very specifically goblin. gnome could work too. but they are the two most gifted engineering races by a large margin.

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UO took ideas from Bard’s Tale, which is what I linked. Those Bards were NOT “just a support class”.

These would be the obvious choices (including MechaGnome, of course). Orcs and Dwarves would be good choices as well.

bard didnt have any direct damage in uo, but could make monsters fight one another, pacify, etc.

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