I can’t believe people still want this creatively bankrupt idea of a class.
I dont understand a lot of people who want a Necromancer.
Blizzard looked at the Necromancer concept and tried to make it cooler, and we got Death Knight. Which is literally a Hero Unit Necromancer.
And people are upset that we got the cooler class and they want a generic RPG Necromancer.
the datamined abilitites are Very loose evidence. I can admit that.
It suggests that blizzard has some abilities that got halfway developed.
There are abilities that are tied to the Tinker Island NPCs we meet in BFA. Which go Unused in the actual game.
It involve a Holo Decoy, Bombs with a wind up, Buzz Saw Blades, and a handful of abiliites tied to a Mech-Suit-Form.
What’s important is that these abilities have Cooldowns and Level requirements, which suggests they were intended to be given to players.
necromancer is not derivative of death knight, they are distinct. the hero class however would be lich, not necromancer. kel’thuzad was a necromancer turned lich. its like priests and paladins. both use light, one is heavy the other is cloth.
Or, We could get a class that actually feels new, and not a Death Knight with a 40 yard range and cloth.
I’m just saying I don’t think Necromancer seems likely, It’s not like we have existing assets for Necromancer, or a Necromancer NPC on Exiles reach ready to give players a class quest.
But we DO have these things for Tinker.
either one is viable. just pointing out to you that necro/lich are definitely distinct from dk despite both using undead magic and frost. necromancer as a class seems less likely than lich because necromancer is not a hero class.
whenever adding a new class, some things have to change. demon hunters got metamorphosis for instance, which is appropriate. a lich class would get a lot of undead ice spells and summons maybe at the expense of dk class which is spread thin covering the death magic theme.
tinker is also possible.
I can think of a lot of Death Knight Mains who quite like summoning undead… If a Lich Class showed up and took these things, they would be pretty unhappy. Considering Death Knights have been summoning undead to fight for over 13 years.
I agree either one is Viable. But Tinker seems likely.
lich and necro has also been a thing since wc3. again its like priests and paladins. theres some overlap but space enough for both. tinker could maybe be a gnome/gob exclusive class. maybe even a specialist in some novel way.
Tinker has been around since WC3 and literally has no Overlap. Not to mention it wouldn’t even be thematically similar with existing classes, another subjective problem with Necromancer and Death Knight.
I say subjective, because you may actually want 2 classes that are Thematically similar, I personally do not. I consider it a problem.
I can see more races being Tinkers personally. Sure it would be most thematic for Goblin and Gnomes, but that doesn’t mean no one else is allowed. Human Paladins are the most thematic, Night Elf Druids are the Most thematic. But those both have several options.
That sounds like the dumbest idea for a new class in the history of WoW. Then again I’m starting to doubt there will even be a 10.0
Boy I bet you’re fun at parties.
Elaborate, Why do you think it’s dumb?
I want you to engage in collaborative arguement.
I don’t see how you could think this. I assure you the Billion Dollar company wants to continue making money.
Tinker Class =/= Engineer profession.
While they share the same base, Tinker as a class would (could) include guns, turrets, and bombs, along with tanking in a mech suit and possibly some sort of healing “devices” either through nanobots, fired potions, or a bandage gun (similar to one from the questline in Legion). Sure, the healing part would be silly, but it could be functional and explained within the story.
Why would it? Engineers only get bombs and a bunch of non-combat items, and even though they make guns, only hunters can use those at the moment. Even a Tinker/ Engineer/ (X Profession) still wouldn’t invalidate Tinker OR Engineer.
Tinkers could also use guns (I always think of a DPS spec similar to Torbjorn from Overwatch with a “gun” and a turret), and use mail armor (which would be the first mail armor tank).
If you were worth my time I would do just that. So I will leave you with this
the tinker unit didnt really use guns, it walked around in a whacky gundam suit.
Sounds like it’s basically just a hunter. Seems kind of boring.
Lol Okay, See you when you get off that High Horse.
So much this. I would want Engineering as a Profession AND a Tinker class at the same time.
Beaupeep. We’re Friends and All. But I gotta let you know that Team Fortress is the superior Teamwork focused FPS.
Fight me.
the hero unit was called “goblin tinker”
The irony of a demon hunter saying a class shouldn’t exist because you’d have to take abilities from another class to make it work…
It was Also an “Orc Beastmaster” but you can be a Beast Master of literally any race nowadays.
Eh, Back in WarCraft 3 Though, Paladins didn’t use shields. Death Knights were permanently mounted. ETC, You’re allowed to take creative liberties.
WoW is based on WarCraft 3, but not Even WoW was entirely loyal.
Hunter uses Animals, Poison, Archery, and Animal Aspects. How is any of that like Tinker?
I know, but for the purposes of WoW rather than WC3, in order to make 3 specs they may decide to go with a DPS spec more like I mentioned and save the mech suit for the tanking spec.
Hold your breath and wait