Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Thats the problem, u want everything accessible to everyone, and not to reward any previous achievements… Who cares that you’ve been putting in hard work for over a decade, lets allow someone whose played 1/10th of that time the same reward…

Indeed it does lol

“Hate to see what happened to them?” You hate to see them actually being used for their intended purpose?


It would be terrible if this mount was as common as the yak and tundra mount… two prestige mounts ruined by gold inflation. There should rare and prestigious things, things not tied to raiding.

TCG mounts typically cost more. Yes they’ve been around longer but the gold cap got increased so the prices did as well.

Most TCG mounts are just recolors of already existing mounts. Brutosuar has both a unique model and extra functionality.

There’s also only a limited number of TCG mounts meaning it’s impossible for a large percentage of the population to own those mounts.

Also assuming the numbers (which you’ve given no source for) are accurate, the fact that after only 1 year, such an expensive mount is already at 3% shows that a lot of people do want it. If it took over a decade for TCG mount ownership to get 3% and brutosuar got there in less than 1/10 of the time that shows there are lots of people that want it. Given more time, we’d see that number continue to increase.

1 year is not a lot of time for many players to earn that much gold. Especially with competing mounts that are also not cheap and an expac where gold earning has been much more difficult than in previous xpacs.

If someone gave me 10 million gold I would not spend 5 million on this mount. It’s size makes in impractical and I would get much more use out of the Grand Expedition Yak for transmogs than a traveling auction house.

That being said, I don’t see the harm in leaving it in the game. I really don’t think people are going to buy it in a panic if it is not worthwhile to them otherwise.

Yes hate to see rare and special things reduced to commodity items. yes, hate.

As much as I want the love rocket, I would hate to see it added to love-day vendor.

Some things make perfect sense to be time exclusives. Some don’t.

How difficult it is to get matters. Like Mage Tower. A 120 would annihilate it. So it makes sense to limit it to 110 with Legion gear.

Other limited things like elite pvp sets or mounts you buy with gold make zero sense. Because the cliff is no less steep with more levels.

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Yeah, and players still can’t afford to buy them all after all these years. That’s because there’s a top tier 3% of rich players who can even think about making such purchases.

if you don’t have the mount by now the chances of you ever getting it are slim to none.

Mounts aren’t content. They are rewards. Often times rewards are temporary.

Just stating a fact here. Not happy or unhappy that is being removed. Can’t seem to care since I was never going to buy it anyway. Haven’t bought any mount over 300K gold in the game. I have the gold for them, they just don’t interest me.


This is an incredibly poor comparison. The swift spectral tiger had an infamous period of time during i want to say WoD where gold farmers duped the hell out of them and were selling them for way under what they were worth and that’s where i want to say the bulk of people that have it got it from.

No it wouldn’t. And it would take YEARS for this mount to be anywhere near as common as those, I dunno why you guys are thinking people will be buying it up like candy in the next week. It’s still 5 mil and it’s still a lot.

Also I dunno about you but I very rarely see people using those mounts anywhere, other than sitting around Dazaralor on the yak so people can transmog easily. Go forth and ride your mammoth all you want! Nobody else will be using it.

Difference is repairs can be easily taken care of by just doing open world stuff alone. So it has no real bearing .

This mount has opened the possibility of increased token sales which puts actual income into Blizz’s coffers.

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Imagine that, a for-profit company trying to make a profit.

That’s what they do, that’s why WoW is a thing. You think they do this for fun? WoW is for-profit, not for-consumer-fun-for-free.

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I thought I missed it. I poked around and found nothing. Granted I doubt I will ever be able to afford it, but it was nice thinking it would be there in the off chance I saved enough.

Edit: who turned on autocorrect? It is making me sound more illiterate than usual.


Out of that 97% only 2% might get the mount by end of expac.

Leaving it in game via vendor keeps the door open for others over the years to possibly get the mount.

I’ll probably never be able to own any of my dream cars but as long as any of them are out there I can still hope to .

The mount is pretty much the same thing.

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When I clicked on this thread, your erroneous conclusion was not what I expected to read. First of all, what determines a “real issue” is surely in the eye of the beholder, no? I’m awfully invested in pet collecting, so that’s a real issue for me but I don’t assume it’s equally vital to everyone. Some people are keener on mount collecting than any other facet of the game, so this AH dino mount is precious to them, even as an object of desire they may take ages to obtain. I know the t-mog yak was an absolute joy for me to purchase many years after it was current content.

I think you’re focusing on the wrong statistic here. I thought you’d be advocating for the 97%! Only 3% achieved their dream of having the AH mount in BfA? That means there’s 97% of the player base still hoping for it, perhaps actively pursuing the gold now, maybe hoping gold will be less painful to farm in future expansions, or musing that maybe someday it’ll be possible, either through price reduction or the windfall of some rare item they can get much richer with. There’s 97% of players who may be really upset with Blizzard’s very strange decision. And of the 3% with it, I’ve heard some of the AH mount owners say they find it quite unsettling to see this content removed.

I’m terribly annoyed at this sort of inexplicable direction being taken by Blizz. I would love to eventually make the gold for the functionality of the dino. My hubby, who falls in the category of keen mount collector, wants it for itself, one more mount in the journal, one more unique mount to be pleased by.

However, this unjustifiable removal of a long-term goal that so many of us, possibly up to 97% of us, had on our bucket list, just quite simply diminishes the game. And a game that tilts on its axis from pleasing to disappointing is not a game likely to retain as many subscribers. Falling subs means less fun for all of us, including those making the game, as lost revenue is hardly going to improve development. While you may be convinced there isn’t a real issue here, I feel there absolutely are distressing issues. Whether it’s the gouging of a company that charges a monthly fee hoping to gin up token sales or just the pruning of content that’s never been targeted for removal before (see mammoth, yak, and spider,) it’s a horrible choice of action for any game where the persistance of the world is a vast part of its appeal to its role-playing and paying audience.

Not outraged, just tremendously disheartened.


edit: for the sake of clarity, this was written in response to a thread titled something like “Only 3% own the brutosaur,” not the megathread it was merged into, probably gleanable from context but I don’t want anyone to think I was saying the mount becoming unobtainable was inaccurate :sauropod:


Even if you could save up the gold that functionality is being removed anyway.

Out of curiosity, why are you saying that they are removing content from the game?

They are just taking the mount and moving it away from a vendor to another vendor that will have it on a sale cycle.

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Just make 15-20k per week off doing random stuff in wow, stop crying, and buy the AH mount. It’s not hard to make that much in the week.

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