Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Thread is locked = closed sweetie. We can’t comment on that thread. If it was moved then we should still be able to chat on it regardless.

I mean I’m looking at the thread right now. I wasn’t “leaving out” anything, if they merged it while simultaneously locking it that’s simply something I didn’t notice. It is amusing how inconsistent such actions are regardless. If their goal was to “clean up all the spam on the forum”, you’d think they would be more active doing such things, yet take a look around…

here’s the link to the original thread which was closed for anyone interested:

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What do you think moving a post does? Honest question… /boggle

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Yes, it is. Just because you don’t know how the forum works doesn’t mean you’re right. It was merged.

Yeah, that’s how it works when they move a thread, they lock the original thread and merge it with the mega-thread…

It was moved. lol man you guys are something else.

Unlisted if I remember the blue post said something about harassing employees the blue post reads

"Discussions about changes or game design are always welcome here, but things that focus on harassing employees and/or removing them is not and can lead to actions being taken. Please keep that in mind at all times.

As a result of this, I’m locking this thread. If you have feedback on the brutosaur, please continue to share it here:"

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Now THAT is the correct thread.

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Closed. Go to the thread and post on it then…o wait you CANT because IT’S CLOSED!

That’s how it works when a thread is moved. lol wow.

I officially stand corrected.

Funny how that one was closed, yet other 300+ Long Boi threads still are going. :thinking:

Someone in the thread commented that they needed to figure out who exactly was making the decisions to blame them, instead of just saying Blizzard. That’s probably why it got locked

It does fit the description given.

One offhand comment from someone that isn’t even the OP shouldn’t be a reason to shut down a good thread on the issue. :confused:

I agree, I’m just thinking that might’ve been the “reason”

Can you please link to the post in question in the mega-thread then? Cause everything that I’ve seen, including the blue post at the end of the thread in question indicates it was just straight up locked. Not moved anywhere.

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Go posted on it. It’s closed. OMG you clearly can’t read.

If it is, then they are really grasping at straws for a reason to shut down a thread.

Much worse has been said in other thread,s and the mods didn’t do nuthen about them.

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Considering the nature of the discussion, it is easy to get them mixed up. I never claimed perfection. lol But backed up data rules over all. This is why people posting sources is SO IMPORTANT, which obviously didn’t happen when it should have in this thread. Source should have been posted from the get-go.

Moved. It was moved. When a thread is moved and merged into other threads the original thread is going to be closed so that the discussion continues in the mega-thread. Just because you don’t know how a forum works doesn’t mean you’re right.

it’s closed. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Can’t post on it anymore. Foe the love of Elune.