Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

So again Blizzard wants to take the fun out of the game. Lets take away items and fun right?


So they created this mount equipment crap because everyone was using the water striders(yet another lack of foresight story for blizz). So like with flying, their excuse to make it hard to get flying lately is because they want people to enjoy the expansion and see the art that the developers designed. However if that art is over used they decide its over used and no longer relevant? Well they made mount equipment, so instead of just having the dino, make mount vendors part of the equipable equation. I know the problem isn’t the dino but rather the flow and disruption of the AH, but get to know your player base. People extort all sorts of things in the game, however, is everyone gonna want an AH on their mount when they could have other equipment? You don’t see engineering being the only profession because it gives them the AH in current xpac cities, ability to battle rez, loot a rang, all sorts of things. like others have said I feel this excuse is a poor example of how you plan things out. Like why did you introduce it in the first place? Maybe instead of getting rid of them, limit them or utilize more of your products better. Like ok for AH mount restrict it to BFA zones only. Would be a dick change but hey. Or if you made it a mount equipment item, actually utilize that feature instead of letting it go to waste and develop lots of different customization for your mounts. Mix things up a bit and use what you have created instead of hunkering back into your hole and reverting these cool things.

The issue with this is

  1. It would be impossible to tailor vendors to look good on every mount in the game, and
  2. The AH being on it is exactly why they say they’re removing it.

This is really the biggest question. If they don’t want AH mounts to be “common”, they never should have put an AH on a mount. Since they did put an AH on a mount, they should have made it clear from BfA launch that the mount would be removed from the vendors at the end of the expansion.

While I don’t really agree with removing anything from the game, it’s not so bad if players know from the start (through a tool-tip and/or an official Blizzard post/announcement) that something is time-limited. This sort of thing should never be discovered through data-mining and then “announced” through a player-made thread on the forums.


I’m even willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they changed their mind about it as the adoption rate rose. I’m okay with that… but then announce it.

It’s not like the “removal” was not approved through channels.


It’s a tad disconcerting that they’ve never made any official news announcement about this. You know, the sort of heads-up people might expect when something is being taken away? I guess they don’t want any more backlash, so they don’t want to draw attention to it. Just (mostly) contain it in this thread and let it die away…


I feel this is one of wow biggest let downs in recent years. Like was there any reason to revamp the old world, or to remove all the deadmines sets from the game. While blizzard did eventually add a way to get the set again in legion, it changed the way the game was played forever. The gauntlets of divinity for example from scarlet monastery cathedral. I lvled so many toons through there that collected the gloves, but now they are gone. Why are so many lvling tropes taken away. I never did get alanna’s embrace either from old scholomance even though i ran a ton on my priest, and it still hasn’t come back. Or the zulian tiger and sift razasshi raptor from old zg. It just sucks that so much crap has been deleted from the game, stuff that players would be soloing for right now to obtain them. It just seems that every time we log in, there is less and less to shoot for, which makes it less and less fun, for collectionists anyway.


^This, in a nutshell.

To be fair, they do add new things all the time, so there aren’t really fewer things to “shoot for.” But it’s really discouraging to have something you were shooting for taken away for no good reason.


Just want to remind Blizz that it would be a really cool compromise if they made a non-AH version of the brutosaur available from the vendor when they remove the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.

Yeah, ideally, the MCB wouldn’t be removed at all, but since Blizzard’s stated reason is they don’t want an AH mount becoming as common as repair mounts, it only makes sense to replace it with a non-AH brutosaur. There are lots of them already available in the database, so it shouldn’t be that hard to implement.


I really don’t agree with this, and the people defending it really want to exclude people from it to keep that ego of owning one and still be special while making it all the much harder to get.


They want to remove mount for one reason really. To reduce any potential server issues when loads of people use the AH NPC. Even after the AH upgrade. This is a technical limitation masqueraded as one to appeal to hardcore players to reinforce rarity.


Whatever the “real” reason is, I figure I’ll base my own arguments on their declared one. Which is:


Still waiting on the reason why they decided to put limits on how many legendaries we could earn at the start of legion using bad luck protection (4 was the cap).

In short, they don’t have to and will never tell you the reason. And the reason why I base my point is because it is grounded in failings with the client recently (AH issues before the upgrade), and lag in gameplay (server communication) if too many people are in one area and especially doing pvp. Those failings, and their continued pruning of the premade group finder (limiting usage of addons to affect that ui element and those calls or w/e), along with an aging core of the game tell me that they are putting in preventive checks in order to clamp down on any down stream issues. And it’s something I would do if I was in their shoes. Solving problems as they arise is a quick way to get overwhelmed, much better to work upstream and be preemptive.

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How do you know this info when the game hasn’t dropped? And where is the black market located?

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Are you referring to the brutosaur? Cause they told us in November it would be removed from the vendor once 9.0 drops. As to where the vendor will be. Likely in Oribos or in the Maw (vendor is always in a out of the way place or something similar or a shared space). Although I am unsure if the rogue vendor in undercity will still be there (as it is now).


Oops, Im sorry I thought you were talking about something different

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They didn’t tell us that. They still haven’t told us that. We datamined it, and they confirmed it. The majority of the playerbase still doesn’t know, and if we tell them, why should they listen? We’re not Blizzard.


Like a kid when caught they claim no fault. Only getting off the hook cause blind “love” and it doesn’t get publicized.

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Despite the lack of publicity about this change, I believe most players who want(ed) the Brutosaur are aware of it. I could be wrong. It would really be awful if there were players who have been slowly building their gold reserves (the way I was) in anticipation of purchasing this mount, who will be caught unaware.

Still, this change should have been made as plain as they made the Mage Tower’s limited availability. It’s just not right to change a game’s rules without warning.


WoW is an ever-changing game and not everything can be a final choice when implemented, to think otherwise is crazy talk. I hope we see many more limited time only mounts and cosmetics in the game in the future as they are good for the game and players.

You have no idea who knows and who doesn’t. This simply isn’t as big of an issue to most of us as it is to a handful of players. As humans we like to think that stuff that is important to us, as individuals, is important to everyone else also when in reality most simply don’t care much.

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