Just because a small number of people have it in no way means that people don’t plan to get it or want it. Many players don’t enjoy actively farming for gold or playing the AH. Since everyone originally assumed the mount would be on the vendor permanently there was no rush so they could slowly save gold over time and try to get it.
People may have been spending time/money on other mounts as well, leaving the more expensive one for last. BFA has many expensive mounts and has (for a lot of people) not been a good expac for earning gold. the frogs cost 300k a piece, the palehide direhorn is 500k and rep mounts added in 8.2 cost about 90k a piece. Getting all of those is close to 2mil right there.
Not everyone has time enough to spend time pursuing everything they want at once, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get to it eventually
Stealing this gif in the extermely off chance it might soften the cruel, dinosuar hating hearts of the blizz devs