You realize other people have already acquired the mount right? It’s completely possible and you have a year or so to accomplish it.
And for those of us who don’t spend several hours a day playing the AH getting gold takes longer. Even when I did try playing the AH my server is pretty dead.
This. Even with the server merge obtaining that much gold is insanely hard/takes a god awful amount of time on most servers that would require you playing the game like its a job.
Quality input. Move along if you dont have any constructive to add.
Strange thing…
When it’s you who wants to make more money, it’s OK.
But when someone else wants to, it’s greed.
So they are increasing lvling speed in 9.0 witch will greatly reduces boost sales. So theyre driving up wow tokens right now to make up that money lol gg blizz… literaly no reason to remove it… they should remove the grand expedition yak too then and travelrs tundra mamoth but they wont because they were not intended to be such a big gold sink as the dino was
Here you go.
How can it cost 3x the amount when the bmah doesn’t accept bids that high.
Doesn’t accept bids that high ‘yet’
Gold cap continues to increase, Everyone has accepted in SL that the gold amount accepted and BMAH and gold cap will go up again for gold sinks.
There is no reason to suspect they will increase the gold cap since they are trying to suck the gold out of the game.
Well I guess you and that mage better get busy and earn some gold if you want to buy it for 5million then.
If they are trying to suck gold out of the game then why are they removing one of the biggest gold sinks in the game?
This is a huge mistake and will cost Blizzard even more subscriptions, they need to understand that removing content is a stupid idea.
What they should do is reward people who paid for it when it was hard (like with an achievement, or a title (Auctioneer maybe, or Dinosaur Rider, you name it…) but leave content available to the people who aren’t able to play all the time or don’t play the AH game.
Blizzard, you really need to reconsider this decision.
They will have another one in Shadowlands.
They would also like to suck money out of wallets.
And they would have two if they didn’t remove this one
i’m more curious about why it’s being removed. maybe gold will rain down on us again in SL, and 5 million will seem like nothing. maybe the dev’s just like screwing with people? maybe they are using it as just another carrot to keep you on that hamster wheel? maybe all of the above?
How much is that in real money?