Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

doesnt matter what you can think up

wow is built on a limited framework, you can only make gold in ways that the game is capable of allowing

I can’t pre-order SL for the flying mount, and breed my flying mount with someone elses SL pre-order flying mount, then sell the offspring mounts for 100k gold a piece

the game doesnt let me

you can farm, you can play the AH, you can do old quests, you can craft/gather

thats just about it, no other ways to make gold

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I just realized, I think ‘fear of missing out’ might be a close fit? I dunno

In legion, i was making 25-30k a day doing herbs runs only. In BFA, i couldn’t even make 5k a day cuz they nerfed the spawn rate and quantity pretty hard.

Sure you’re right that there are a limited number of outcomes. You can’t do anything. It’s about acknowledging a need and providing a service for it. Did the game intend for 110 DH twinks to be power leveling other players? Of course not. Did people realize that this would be a fast easy way for people to achieve 120 and could make a profit off of it. Of course. The game didn’t intend for this but smart people thought outside of the box and made good gold. Others followed and eventually it crashed the market, like what @Bipzi was saying. But that original genius who recognized it as a good idea is probably making a lot of gold in some other regard right now.

I’m almost positive it flips the same brain cells. It’s the fear of loss in any form really. We feel loss more than gains, even potential loss. I mean I joked REEEEE up there, because Emra stated a method of making gold I use, but sometimes it backfires, sometimes enough do it the method dilutes and profit goes down. It’s just a temporary bump and so long as the profits chart upward overall, the occasional loss is perfectly fine. Some people absolutely lose their shirts trying to prevent all losses though.

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This actually reminds me. What is currently the best money making profession in Retail?

Having not played during wod and legion, only having a couple hours to play most days, and being against using real money to buy an advantage in a video game, I don’t foresee ever owning this.

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An ugly dinosaur mount isn’t gonna suck the fun out of your game lmao.

I really can’t think of a good reason to tell you this…

I started around ToS release in Legion.
I play for maybe 2-3 hours on a weekday, weekends I play a little bit more.
After I saw this majestic beast in 8.0 I managed to grind my way up to owning one in 8.1

yes, thats 1 example of something that I didn’t mention, that can make you gold

my point is, the overwhelming majority of players with huge lumps of cash don’t have it because they can think outside the box

they have it because they have the time to farm, or the time to gather, or the time/patience to learn the AH

they aren’t doing crazy things that nobody else thought of, they just are willing to invest the time and effort to learn how to do the same things everyone else is doing, but to be much better and more efficient at it

It’s fun to use it around raid tier releases because people get a BoE with no clue what the prices are and will drop titanforged BoEs for 3k gold. I hardly use it besides that.


My problem with the removal is that it’s a change of precedent. They’ve never removed a gold-sink mount before. They’re changing it for no reason except to make it more scarce.

My secondary problem is they didn’t communicate this change in a timely manner. The limited availability of the mount should have been announced at the start of the expansion.

If this was a decision only recently made–that’s a problem, too. Some stability is needed in a game like WoW so players can make long-term plans regarding their gaming time. WoW is a huge time sink, and virtually no one has time to do everything available in the game. There must be some triage.

My third problem is related to the second. Blizzard didn’t “announce” this change. Wowhead datamined it and a poster called Blizzard out on it here in the forums. Only then did a blue poster come out and admit the mount was being retired. When, exactly, was Blizzard planning to tell us this bit of news?

All three of these issues are applicable to many other things in the game, not just this one mount. What other precedents will be tossed aside without warning? How many other changes is Blizzard just not going to bother telling us unless they’re found out? Are we going to wake up one day to find the servers permanently shut down with no forewarning? Frankly, that’s something that wouldn’t surprise me at this point.

I would love to “just move on” but I can’t stop wondering what stunt Blizz will pull next.

Maybe I’m in a field by myself over here, but when I farm it’s only for appearances for my toons, I don’t gather, I only use the AH for posting stuff. I take advantage of clever ways of making money, so I can’t speak to what others do, can only speak to what I’ve found to work.

The issue doesnt come from money. I could flatout buy it now if i want too. The issue is blizz didnt say anything (again) and now there is an artificial scarcity on a really popular mount for no reason.

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I rather give that money to a proper charity. No thanks, if the dinos go extinct, I won’t cry about it.

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You can sell runs to content. Either to people who want quick runs while leveling or current content.

A) you can still buy it, there is no “artificial scarcity” yet

B) 5m gold price tag already makes it “artificially scarce” only 3% of people have them apparently, because they are prohibitively expensive for most people

C) is your argument honestly that blizzard didn’t tell us they would only be available for a limited time? … my mom always told me that if I didn’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything … so moving on

D) why is it bad that something in the game is scarce, or no longer available? thats what gives them meaning, thats why they are cool, cause you can’t get them anymore

yes, yes you can, I clearly forgot that one, probably because 90% of people I see talking about it spam the hell outta their macro and I report them for spamming

either way

thats 5 basic ways to make gold

farm gold/vendor items
play the AH
quest (old quests or new ones, or WQs)
sell gear/leveling runs

and within those bounds the only difference between a normal player and a filthy rich player is how much time they devote to learning the best ways to do those things, and then how much time they spend doing them

making gold really is that simple

What the title says. This deserves to be complained about endlessly. There is NO reason to remove this mount except to push for people to spend money to get the gold to buy the mount and push sales. Saying it will be moved to the BMAH where it will cost almost 3x the amount if not more later on is ridiculous as hell on blizzard’s part.
I can deal with store mounts and other stuff that get discounted 50% off several times, but an ingame mount that takes an enormous amount of time to farm for or costs over $!00 in wow tokens being removed to push numbers is absolutely absurd and a trash decision.