It applies to more than just me. It goes to anyone that you’d generalize it being a bad idea to spend money on.
If someone else wants to broadcast their bad spending habits on a public forum then I suppose they’d have to be ready for comments on it as well, yeah.
This right here. You feel the need to tell more than just me it’s a bad decision. It goes for everyone.
Of course. But once everybody is a Goblin, then nobody is. That’s my point. The system can’t function with the majority of players with that mindset.
If someone says oh im excited to buy XYZ. It’s literally none of your business. Nothing good to say just move on. If its a family member then you’d have a better point. You likely know more about the situation.
I can control myself, but i dont speak for everyone, a lot of people cant control themself from buying stuff in a videogame, and gaming companies constantly take advantage of that, such has in this case
You’re fooling yourself if you think that everybody can become a Goblin. It’s a skillset that a lot of people don’t have and won’t make the commitment to learn. If it was so easy then why are there so many people that are struggling to buy a wow token each month?
It’s everyone’s business as soon as someone posts their info in a public forum.
Go tell your friends in private what you plan to buy. I promise I wont even know you did!
You’re just being a busy body. Because your statements aren’t always directed at anyone in particular. Just a broad net. It’s the equivalent of some old biddy lookin out her window spying on the neighbors or whoevers in the street. Yeah they are out in public, no its none of your business what they are doin.
I have a Brutosaur mount, guess how much money I paid for it? $0. Guess how much I farmed for it? 0 hours.
I literally just played the game and sold stuff on AH. It’s not hard to make gold in WoW.
First of all, if you weren’t too busy emotionally responding in a hamfisted fury, you’d realize he said this specifically if you resort to buying tokens despite having financial hardship.
Again, there is nothing wrong with this nor was it ever stated.
If you derive entertainment from dumping funds you clearly can’t spare onto tokens to buy gold then you have a really weird form of entertainment.
Bottom line is this, he said specifically if gold is a problem and you have to resort to a WoW token despite facing financial hardship.
IDK, maybe play the game you’re desperately using as an escape from your real life troubles that while you have my sympathies, nobody gives a damn about and I hope it gets better for you.
Oh yeah, people are actually defending this.
sits back, whip cream in mouth
I’m not spending $500 on an in-game mount. That is absurdly ridiculous. Especially when there was zero reasoning for removal in lieu of the multitude of remaining BFA issues and the upcoming level squish for Shadowlands.
This was Blizzard being incredibly stupid.
Then… Face the consequences I guess
Farming 5 hours a week will also get you the mount, without dipping into your paycheck
I’m not passing judgement on those who do, but I could never justify spending that kind of money on a digital item. For that amount of cash, I could rescue a horse from the auction
No kidding, why do you think I said your comment below was you being snarky? WOOSH
And even if everyone became a Goblin, it would crash the market.
The problem here is they can’t get more customers with current WoW development , people want value and content, not time gates and grinds
When little Johny decides he’s going to be a goblin, learn tsm, and he starts using tsm sniper the real goblins will just start pushing old world crafted gear that has an insance markup for low costs and trick little Johny for big gains.
Everyone becoming a goblin would not crash the market
I say this
Then you say this.
Is there an echo in here?
Edit, wait you said no. My bad. Will expand on this.