Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

All of this drama over a digital mount that costs more than a 43" 4k Television. It’s just not worth it to try and buy this mount. People’s priorities… yeesh.


$40 per paycheck can be spent a lot better than wasting money on false scarcity of some pixels from Blizzard.


Lol I farmed swift spectral, a few other TCG mounts, the 3 toads and Long Boi in this current expansion. Why does everyone have an issue with gold? :joy:

Or you can just choose to not buy one.

You are really going to pay $40 biweekly so that you don’t have to take the portal to an AH every once in a while (or log into a bank toon)? Either you have no real expenses to deal with, or you are extremely virtually lazy.


You don’t live in reality if you think spending that kind of money on a video game makes sense. It doesn’t matter how much money you make. It’s never okay to spend that kind of money on a video game. Pay taxes, or give money to charities that actually make a difference.

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Something tells me you shop at Rent-a-Center

I get payed weekly. But as much as it pains me, i need to save. I can’t give in to this.

Well on the other hand we get 80 so years on this earth, cant take money with you. If you have the means, and it brings you joy, then why not? People don’t do enough in life that makes them happy, they cave in to others expectations.

I cant belive people are justifying spending over 500 dollars for a digital item xD. But hey your money, its shame there removing it but i wont give blizz another cent for this scare tactic their doing.


May I make a suggestion? Use a character that is posted outside the AH in your home town. Have all your active characters send their sellable items to the AH character and let them post the sales. That AH character can then send the gold to whatever character you choose.

Wow!!! You have now saved 5million gold or $500 in token purchases and you can still sell your items just like someone with an ultra expensive mount.

Yeah, unless someone can spend 500-600 bucks without missing it, they really shouldn’t be saving up to blow money on a digital brontosaurus. Put the money into savings, get a gym membership, do SOMETHING positive with it instead.


Wish i could. Since starting my new job i havent even been able to raid. I’ve been benched. After i get home i’m so exhausted that the only games i play atm are ones i get in and get out of fast. Like War Thunder or Minecraft… fortnite etc etc.

I really don’t understand the need for the mount tbh, it’s way over priced for it’s function. Takes all of two minutes to go to a capital or even your garrison. I’m assuming if you are a AH mogul, you already have the mount and this is a non issue. Seems like it’s a waste otherwise.

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The game isn’t really fun for me to play at the moment anyway so making gold is what i do. From a practical stand point weighing how much my time is actually worth the most efficient way would be to buy tokens…but i can’t justify spending 500-600 bucks on a dino. But i will get it before SL drops this i swear

Then you have no use for the AH mount. Any AH sales and purchases can be made by a character that is for AH purposes only.

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Why do you not view games as a positive? How is it different from say going to a theme park? You can’t take the theme park with you when you leave, you cant take the brutosaur when the game shuts down. Let people njoy what they enjoy. You don’t gotta agree with it but you should be able to understand why someone would.

You assume my circumstances will stay this way forever. Thats where you are mistaken.

I never wanted this mount until I heard it was going away. Just kidding. I still don’t want it.


You really have no clue what I assume…

The only thing I assume is that, in my opinion, the AH work can be done without an ultra expensive mount.