Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

It wouldn’t be a real expansion without blizzard removing something that makes all players, despite the faction, race or alignment, mad.


Its very easy to make 5 mil in a single expansion, you just have to put the work in. i’ve made 5 mil in the past 2 weeks /shrug, you just aren’t motivated enough.

You did not make 5 million in the past 2 weeks without selling tokens, selling runs, or something else shady. You would have to make on average 358,000 gold per day. Which unless you are on some extremely populated server the AH isn’t going to be moving that much stuff. Even adding in farm runs of raids isn’t that much.


Guess they didnt get the haul they wanted from pre-orders, so here we are?

Cant say a stunt like this isnt expected.


Hope they do if this whole mess is true.
Makes it fair to everyone, y’all had your ease of access to the AH for an expansion. Wouldn’t be fair to start a new one with the functionality.

The yak/mammoths dont really impact anything, a mobile AH does. Its why the app version got cut.

But if they cut anything it should just be that function, not the whole mount.
Give something special on the feat for those who purchased it with the functionality (like maybe a mobile ah consumable) but lower the cost for the brutosaur instead. Such a cool mount should not be removed.

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It is possible, not very likely. However it doesn’t matter if you can make that much gold easily. That isn’t what this conversation should be about. Things like this shouldn’t be Black Market Only at all, it will lock people who aren’t able to check the BMAH when the turn over for the day happens first thing out of the mount because it will Instantly hit the Gold Cap the moment it appears.

I prefer to save all that to buy the next expansion.

Like are you guys just dumb. Whoever came up with this idea should be fired. You either introduce a completely bad idea, rub it in our face for an expansion or two until we complain enough to remove it, or you introduce something awesome and delete it for no reason. I really just hate this game, I’m trying get my friends to leave, we’re all sick of this crap.


Blizzard, come on. This is absolutely ridiculous. The yak is still available, the mammoth is still available, the spider is still available, there is no reason to remove this mount from the game.

I’ve been mostly passive with your decisions as of late, but this is absolutely a dumb move on your part, and it looks greedy in an attempt to boost token sales for desperate people who want to make sure they don’t miss out. Honestly shameful.

Anything gold sink focused should not be exclusive like this.

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You guys had such a great blizzcon this year, then after all the good graces you’ve earned you go and do this? What the actual hell.


One of two things is going to happen here.

This is either going to happen, people who were never going to get it or were close to get it will be pissed off. Tokens are going to be bought and sold until they are close to nothing to where blizzard will be making more money $20 for say 100kg at the least in most regions.


This is fake outrage meant to make players feel better when surprise, “We listened to the feedback of the playerbase and decided not to do this” and fans will applaud this as if it wasn’t the plan all along.


Except that was what the spider was for and its still very expensive


Don’t pull this Disney BS with us, please. You already did it once with the “See you later” bundle and now again with the AH mount, but oh guess what it may come back for a limited time on the BMAH.


Don’t worry guys Kaivax, ION, or LORE will come back into the thread shortly.

“Do you guys not have GOLD?” Or maybe they will tell us that “you think you do, but you don’t” in regards to wanting this mount.

I don’t understand the point of this at all. Why remove a mount that people have been working towards?

This is actually one of the dumbest things I’ve seen.

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Why announce this so early on? We see what your doing blizzard, your creating artificial scarcity to drive up token sales. We won’t forget this, we see through your bs now.


Just because you don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. I pulled over 250k out of my mailbox while reading the whining in this thread and I’m pretty sure I’m in the running for laziest goblin in existence. People who are serious about their AH empires make way, way more than me.

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So that people have a chance to get it if they want it? Is this really a thing now, to be outraged that they’re announcing something early enough for people to do something about it?


Stupid, honestly. No reason to do this at all.

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screenshot or it never happened.

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It is probably a bad idea if they reverse this now that people have been buying tokens since the amount of gold they are getting is high.