Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I have to disagree with you on this. Everyone should have access to the content. That doesn’t mean they should be given stuff without any work, but have access to it. For example, I have been farming mounts in old raids for years. I do not mind working for those mounts, and I don’t expect them to have a 100% drop rate.


Please tell us
1 - why is this being done. The reasoning behind the dev decision to remove this content.
2 - why it was never mentioned until it was datamined by a third party source and still has no official announcement.

This is unacceptable blizzard. You once again are failing miserably at customer service and interaction. I’m pretty sure there was never a thread or community request asking to remove or timegate the bruto mount.


Name another mount meant for “gold tycoons” that has been removed from the game.


Or at least not the ones that fit your definition.


Hopefully this is the first of many to come.

That’s a funny way of saying there’s no precedence to back up your claim. Especially when Blizzard still hasn’t given any actual explanation for this. Dial back your blind defense at least until we hear something official.


I can appreciate rewards that require effort and skill to obtain.

I cannot appreciate rewards that require particular server choices and choosing to grind the game in a manner I find painful in terms of time.

I thought Blizzard was moving away from forcing players to play in an unhealthy manner.

Shame on you Blizzard. If someone dies from this grind that death is on your hands.


hear something official about what? you already have an official response about the removal of the mount. Just because you don’t like the announcement doesn’t mean that it wasn’t made.

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Eh it’s more like blue confirmed what was on PTR is real and it’s the plan. We can try to convince Blizzard it’s stupid and to plz remove the time limit since it’s still PTR.

We can still give feedback on whether we want gold sink mounts moving forward to be time limited or not.


The announcement doesn’t explain why it’s happening. It doesn’t even make sense with every other dinosaur mount is remaining as-is.


I hate to be that guy but they don’t have to explain their decisions to anyone.

They don’t but they gotta in this case or retract the decision


No, they don’t gotta do anything nor do they have to retract their decision. lol

Eh maybe, don’t forget guys to tweet at them. Blizzard doesn’t like the bad PR on other platforms.


If they want the players to have any trust in them? Yeah, they kinda do. As you have mentioned, things have changed and the devs should be the ones to accept that they can’t just issue orders from their ivory tower anymore.


Hmmm. :thinking: Guess you were never around when they were going to remove flying from the game completely from WoD and forward. And look at where we are now because players voice their opinion/feedback. We got to keep flying even though it’s in the form of pathfinder.

That in itself throws your post there out the window. If players are so mad enough,etc they have to do something even if it means reverting their decision. It can and does happen. /shrugs/ Many of us don’t want the change and if they listen to us…what you gonna do whine like a child? Or twist it as if you were in support…lol


First you act like making gold is super easy, then you brag on how much hard work it was. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Seriously, grats on your gold making ability and willingness to “work” the AH. That takes some true skill and dedication.


I don’t buy the argument that “gold sink mounts aren’t meant for the average player”. They’re meant for whoever comes up with the gold–and it never before mattered how long it took to amass that gold.

I don’t have the time to work ten AH’s or grind gold in other ways. I made a long-term plan that would allow me to save up the needed funds in the time I have to play. I’m patient, and I was happy thinking I would have my brutosaur by the end of the next expansion (which has now been announced as Shadowlands). I had no reason whatsoever to imagine that the mount would be removed from the vendors.

Any way you look at it, taking this mount off the vendors and putting it on the BMAH is a scummy move. It’s double scummy because Blizz didn’t even admit to it until the move was datamined and the OP of this thread called them out on it here in GD.

IF Blizzard had announced at the start of BfA that the brutosaur would be retired to the BMAH at the end of the expansion, I would be fine with it. I would have known from the start that I had no hope of obtaining a sauropod mount, and I wouldn’t have wasted my time planning out my gold-making schedule.

NOTE: I don’t care about the AH aspect of the mount. I wanted a giant sauropod to ride. If there were another model without the AH/extras that I could buy from a vendor, I would be perfectly happy. It wouldn’t make the unforeseen removal of this one any less scummy, but at least I could get my sauropod mount.


No, they don’t. But not explaining it (although, i think we all know why it’s happening) fosters distrust. A “what will they remove next without telling us or telling us at the last minute?” culture, which is a bad thing to have.


I can agree to this to a certain extent. If it wasn’t in this time period I’d be more apt to side with you but in this day and age people are going to be mad about everything anyway.

Just posting again, to remind blizzard this was a scummy, stupid move and they should be ashamed of themselves for it.