Looks like removing titles from 2s and passive weekly inflation plus lack of mid rewards is killing cata pvp

I just told you how it did and the number prove it.

2s was always the most inflated, now it isn’t so my experience matches the math.

The game is dead now.

I’m not sure if you know this but they reset everyone’s MMR at the beginning of this expansion, and removed artificial inflation mid season at the end of wrath and didn’t put it back in for Cata. Those two changes alone are a massive reason why it is so deflated currently. You can’t use the inflation as an accurate gauge of participation right now. The first season of wrath was the same way until they added artificial inflation.

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Wrong, if fact it is the complete opposite.

Resting show for a fact 2s participation is down. When ever season 2s would be far above 3s at this point.

The just proved yourself wrong.

This is not true. There are stats on this.

Go to ironforge pro and look at the chart of title cutoffs per season.

One month into the first season of wrath the rank 1 cutoff was 2300 in 2s and 2400 in 3s.

Why don’t we just make 2s into the rated solo queue bracket. Award less conquest than 3s I don’t care, but I’d love to be able to queue arenas whenever I feel like it.

You just posted stats proving the opposite. The cutt off was always much higher for 2s, thus we know the game is dying.

Idk what to tell you. Quit the game then.

I’m cool with this. I think they should just add a solo q option for the normal 3s ladder personally. Like rocket league you can either q solo or as a premade but it’s the same ladder.

Oh yeah for sure. I’m not very experienced in arenas in general, I played 2 seasons kind of seriously during Wrath Classic, and got just under 2.2K as my highest rating, and that was as feral, which I am most comfortable on. I also played DK a little over 2K in Wrath, but this is my first season playing hunter, and I don’t have any dedicated partners, so I’m playing anything with anyone, while learning the class, and its comps.

Having said that, you seem to have ignored my actual question:

And frankly, even at my rating, it’s pretty obvious that Feral/MM and MM/Sub are much, much stronger comps than they were in Wrath, and don’t seem to suffer from the same hard-counters.

I’m left with the question of what you mean by:

Why in Cata, and what has changed from Wrath that would make you say Cata specifically is worse for 2s?


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Healer/DPS in general is quite a bit stronger than double DPS because of the slower pace of the game. DPS losing defensive dispels hurt their viability a lot. Other comps such as hunter/disc were a lot stronger in wrath but just don’t have enough sustained damage to kill. Feral/disc is probably the strongest in the game now and most other comps fall short by a lot.

It’s equal to or worse than wrath 2s imo

OK, that seems fair. I guess from my personal perspective, it seems better, but that’s also because as feral I have more viable comps than in Wrath, and even though some of the changes like Berserk no longer breaking fear, or not being able to shift roots are annoying, there are some nice buffs, too (like interrupts!).

That’s surprising. I mean, it does seem very strong, but RSham/Feral is too! And what about Ret/UH, or even Arms/HPal or Ret/MM or Sub/MM?

I would have guessed the opposite. Maybe I’ll feel that at higher ratings… at least in contrast to wrath 2s.


Yeah I don’t follow either. Seems like everyone collectively forgot about warr/hpala dominance, which was less of a meme than anything.

(disclaimer: I play meta sub/mm)

You keep saying the numbers prove it, what numbers? you haven’t shown any at all except your own personal opinion of “the numbers” that don’t exist.

Show me that it isn’t still inflated based on cata’s population base? The leaderboard is still capped out, even though we have 1/5th the player population as wotlk.

Proof that THIS specific change caused the population drop?

Then go play 2’s? no one is stopping you. If you enjoy playing 2’s then play them. It’s still the most played arena mode even without r1 and glad rewards. The lowest rated players on the 2’s leader board have 400+ games played compared to other brackets that aren’t even close in games played. That is proof the bracket is still spammed non-stop.

If you are only playing 2’s for rewards then clearly you didn’t enjoy 2’s that much and neither did your “long time arena partner”

Healer/dps is stronger at lower rating. At higher rating double DPS is massively stronger than healer/dps. Just check the leaderboards, like 15 healers in the top 100? compared to all the players playing double dps.

lol lil bro doesnt realize the only reason 2’s was inflated was cause u could get titles

Not only is arena’s dying, but the threads are dying aswell. Even the suck up I want to be a cool kid Scubagodx has lost intrest in the game.

2s need to be brought back asap befores its all over.


I have two characters at 2200 in 3s already working on my 3rd. You are crying on the forums about 2s. We are not the same.

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LOL? Keep save money to buy your carries then tanking rating playing without your boost loser. So sad… ironforge.pro/pvp/player/Pagle/Scubagodx/

LMAO cope harder weirdo

No games in 2 weeks, do you need to insert more coins to continue pay to play. Oh, wait that isn’t the correct termonolgy. I believe nahj calls out, kill the “self-play” if I remember correctly.

rating bashing from a level 50 char

Seems like such a stressful job >__<