Looks like removing titles from 2s and passive weekly inflation plus lack of mid rewards is killing cata pvp

not really but thats not relevant to this conversation either

Well in that case if you’re only aiming for Rival or Challenger it doesnt really matter since you can still get those via 2s!

not aiming those either, and im not talking about myself or what i want, im talking about what think its dragging participation down

don’t care about titles

just don’t think 2s suck, which apparently was people’s motivation for supporting the removal of titles

If you wanna remove titles, remove em from the cluster that is 5s arena.

 5s does not have titles.
If you enjoy 2s then hey do you but it shouldn’t be a competitive bracket.

def just play RBGs, people who have never broken 2k in arena are hitting 2200 in rbgs its super easy and casual, you dont lose rating when you lose its broken. enjoy your easy 2200 weps from RBGs

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For classic season 7 and 8 they decided to keep 2’s titles, instead of removing them like they did in original s7 and s8. Something or another was always “killing wrath pvp” back then as well. Now they remove 2’s titles in cata and it’s what’s killing cata apparently.

Something is killing RBG’s. Something is killing Solo Shuffle. Something is killing arena. It’s always something other than the dwindling population of participants


I thought only Gladiator was removed from 2s, are you getting glad?

im not talking about myself man, thats a stupid assumption
im talking about a general ladder behaviour

The general ladder behavour is that they will go for the titles that are available.

I don’t personally have an issue with the 2s title removal, good change IMO as that bracket is so rock/paper/scissors anyway at the highest lvl and its nature leads to only the best comps, or cheesy comps getting rewards (think Hpal/War and Preg/DK or Prot/Rsham in Wrath)

The real issue right now is definitely ladder inflation for the T2 weps. 2.2k is not a high rating at all but its almost unobtainable in 2s as thats the top 1% right now, and in 3’s while its easier to get because the top of the ladder is much higher, its a case of “have’s” and “have not’s” as far as weapons go once you get around 2k CR because you will begin fighting a lot of teams with players that have their weps already and tanked a bit so that last 200~ rating is an absolute wall because the damage disparity is hard to overcome assuming everyone’s around the same skill level


just do RBGs there are more ppl getting 2200 in rbgs than any other bracket

It kinda is the point though. They removed something that 99.95% of players were not getting.

Leaving titles in 2s killed the more balanced bracket in Wrath.


cata 2s feels like a clown fest lol

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I don’t get this argument. No casuals got glad or rank 1 in 2s. That’s all that was removed. What is the problem?

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With 2s being removed from the game and 3s not being an option to play at all given the extreme bottleneck of finding a healer the game is dead.

Removing 2s, killed game and only hurt 3s in the end with less people playing overall.

They didn’t remove twos though they basically just herded the sweatiest players (those trying for glad/rank 1) into the more balanced bracket.

I will say that less people playing twos has caused it to be incredibly deflated now though.

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Then press buttons?

Do you not enjoy playing arenas? pretty sure that should be your only reason to not que. Anything beyond that really doesn’t matter.

Calm down bro, we are barely 20% of the way through the season.

Not having 2’s titles isn’t killing pvp man. What information do you have that cata pvp is dying? the shallow leaderboard only having like 5k players for each bracket? and other expansions having 3x that? well other classic expansions had 5-10x the population. Ranking leaderboard numbers vs cata total server population would suggest percentage wise pvp participation has actually improved coming from wotlk classic to cata classic brother not decreased. 2’s titles has nothing to do with why the leaderboards are shallow. They are shallow because cata classic’s population as a whole is 20% of what wotlk classic’s population was.

If you want to put the blame on something, blame all the people that were spouting off nonsense without ever playing cata and just regurgitating opinions of others who also didn’t play it. “Cata worst expansion ever, I’m not playing cata, I can’t believe they aren’t skipping cata to go right to mop, im going to retail if they really do cata, cata is just like retail might as well play retail”.

It killed a lot of the player base off who never gave the expansion a fair shot because they would hear these things and assume it to be true.

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The ladder only shows the top 5000 players btw. Only way to get total participation numbers is when they release title cutoffs and reverse engineering the math

this pretty much answered your own question in my opinion

i am playing regularly
im talking about ladders health

fair enough