Looking to trade with an Alliance player ON THRALL, in exchange for MY Gift of the White War Wolf

NOOOOOOOOO! I thought were cross realms and stuff

I donā€™t know if cross-realm works, but I also am not sure who all is cross realm with us. I know Stormrage is, because I just saw someone

iā€™m so freaking sorry!

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Thatā€™s ok. /hug

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My apologies again, good luck and I guessā€¦ I guess Iā€™ll find Feathermoonā€™s thread >_<

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Good luck!!! And no worries. Met a nice person, got a good laugh. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I just got back to playing after forever and the old guild is a ghost town :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thatā€™s a bummer. My alliance toons are mostly on Proudmoore, and I havenā€™t leveled them since last expac.

Iā€™m two expansions behind, which sucks as a mount collector >_<
Do you mind if i add you as a friend? Itā€™s so hard meeting nice players, if not, no worries.

sure. I just donā€™t want to share it on this forum. Iā€™ll make a level one and whisper you with my battle.net tag

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You said feathermoon, right? I canā€™t whisper you. Try whispering ā€œHiakamiyaā€