Look for an Alliance ON THRALL that has Gift of the Ravenous Black Gryphon to use on my character. Can offer gift of the White War Wolf in exchange. PST Cermait on Thrall.
@Valkillmoore are you still in need?
I have the Gift of the Ravenous Black Gryphon and I’m located on Feathermoon, US. I’m usually on in the evenings on one of my alts.
Feel free to whisper or mail me a ltr in game if you’re interested.
Yes!!! I’m in Valdrakkan, on Cermait , on Thrall.
ok i’ll hearth back to val in a few mins. I’ll be at the top of the steps to the Stormwind portal Do you have the White War Wolf?
I am dumn. I’ll run him there.
I have three of those Gifts of the White War Wolf just on Cermait and a few on alts, so not like I’m running out. lmao
OMG 3! that’s crazy! I just got this birdo today
Sure that works, i’m in Val right now.
Cermait is in front of the stormwind portal
Let’s hope we don’t run into a phasing issue. Guess we could always head out of town and meet at some rando coordinates.
Not seeing ya there. Might be phased, ok where is somewhere else to meet?
I flew to The Cascades just south of Valdrakken, coordinates 35, 70
I’m above where Treasure Mad Tremblad spawns
Crap i dont have the coordinate thingie, i’m at the cascades standing by a fountain near a ledge. I have a bright yellow slitherdrake if that helps. >_< sorry i’m pulling a typical chick move and not knowing where to go
you’d think blizz would make this process easier
I’m a chick too, no worries. lmao
Fly to the middle of the bridge. It’s the top level of that area above the water
I just have no clue where the fountain is
nadaa…WAIT! Daycare?
or is that phased too?
I can try it. It probably changes based on quest progression. How about trying where the Time Rifts are?
Try Daycare, if that dont work i’ll go the flappy jsut south of Soridormi and the Time Rifts.
I’m next to Jyhanna at Little Scales Daycare
Nope, ok heading to Gelikyr Post in Thaldra
We’re going to get these mounts or so help me!
I’m gonna see if my mage is in a different phase on my other account. He has three of the thigns, too