Looking to trade with an Alliance player ON THRALL, in exchange for MY Gift of the White War Wolf

Go to valdrakken again for a sec, by portal

Iā€™ll fly cermait to Gelikyr, too, so Iā€™ll have one at each. lmao

kk, my mage is at the stormwind portal in valdrakkan, cermait is at the flightmaster at Gelikyr Post

alrighty, in front of Stormwind portal.
(crosses fingers)

Nope. Should we try in another expansion? How about dalaran?

Cermait is Gelikyr or whatever, my mage can port easily to meet at your convenience. lol

Let me see if youā€™re at Gelikyr Post, if not then weā€™ll try the Legion Dalaran. Iā€™ll wait in front of the pet shop.

Sounds good. lol

if we donā€™t see each other, we can try logging out and back in, and see if that changes anything, too. /sigh

parked in front of the flappy at gelikyr. if nothing, reboot and well come back. come on blizz this is crazy! :joy: :sweat_smile:

Seriously. /sigh

Iā€™m right in front of the flightmaster, Talon Smoht

same. ok reboot and iā€™ll see ya in a sec

kk. Keeping my fingers crossed. Give it a sec, Iā€™m relogging wow, too

Andā€¦I donā€™t see anyone. Iā€™m on ashes of aā€™lar, you canā€™t miss me. lol

Let me know when youā€™re back in, and I can see if I can realm hop to reset my phase.

and back andā€¦ nadaa! uggg!
ā€¦ legion dal next?

Sure. Youā€™re looking for FInbheara.

Heā€™s right in front of the spot you zone in from porting there.

nothingā€¦ dumb question. do we need to be on the same server? iā€™m on Feathermoon

You need to be from thrall.

Itā€™s why I posted under the Thrall forums. lmao