I transfered over to stormrage very recently. I am looking to getting back to tanking raids and mythic+. It has been before EP since i really have done much raid wise. I have raid tanked ATB and Dazalor both heroic and upto the second last boss on each. DH and DK both in legion, and only DK in BFA. Also tanked on a pally during Wrath and Mists.
DH is on Kel’thuzad
409 monk – https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bleeding-hollow/myztify
410ish DH – https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kelthuzad/myztify
388 Paladin (Stormrage)
Mon thru Thurs. 730 to 1130pm EST
Fri thru Sun. 830 to 1130. EST
Bnet: Dreadstryke#1145
Discord: Tiamatz#9157