Looking to Pay Gold to Buy Carry for AOTC (& mount)

I’ve just returned for Shadowlands prepatch and am interested in buying a carry for the final boss of Nyalotha for AOTC (& more importantly the mount) for the right amount of gold. Obviously I need a 100% carry, as I have heirlooms and quest gear.

Please reply with btag contact information (and, ideally, the amount of gold it will cost). I’d prefer to go with someone who leaves a price in thread so I don’t have to add/contact multiple people just to figure out pricing.

I have gold on Sargeras, FYI. I’m available most nights and weekends. Thanks!

Greetings! I am going to hit you up in game. We will be running an AOTC run on Tuesday at 9:00 PM Server. We can work out the details outside of this forum. Or you can Floyd#11209 on bnet me. :slight_smile:

Just realized you are on Stormrage. Hit me up on Battlenet.