Looking to get back into things after a break

Hey there. I have been playing since Wrath and I recently took a long break after losing my drive to play. I am back now, but I am woefully undergeared and I dont have a lot of friends due to my break. I am looking for a casual guild who doesnt mind helping someone gear up. I have a ton of alts and am pretty versatile when it comes to playing. I can fill almost any role. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my post, I hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Shieldicas,

I run a small casual EST Alliance social guild on Proudmoore and we are a social guild that’s more of a community that we have built over the years and we are both new and returning player friendly. Our main thing is we enjoy doing stuff together as a group to help each other out and have fun more than just doing content for the sake of it. We also enjoy helping each other out whether that’s gearing up, running for transmog, or helping with an alt and as a social group we are also pretty much always on our discord when we are on. We mainly do mythic+ but plan to return to some casual normal raiding in the war within.

Happy to chat more if your interested my battle net is wyvernflame#1720 and my discord is wyvernflame

Hey there.

I’m looking for all roles and classes to raid in TWW. Semi hardcore, mostly chill, looking for progression and shooting for AOTC. Brand new guild. Only four members right now, so starting fresh. Plan to raid Wednesday and Sunday from 7-10pm PST.

Mmoargynn#1987 on bnet
Mmoargynn on discord

Mosaic was first formed in 2014 by a group of friends with the intention of creating a community focused guild that many of us had experienced in the early days of WoW. We learned that we always came back to the game for the friends we made and the memories created along the way, instead of the game releasing a new season or system. The culture we have created over the years is one where you can push content to any level that you desire but also being able to do it with people you know, hopefully enjoy, and who don’t remove you from the group for making mistakes but at the same time will absolutely roast you endlessly in discord for it because that’s what friends do. We like to think we’ve made a pretty amazing spot here for people to share their adventures in WoW and other games. If you read this far, you should keep reading some key points below and also give our GM a shout in discord or bnet, the guy talks too much as it is anyways!


  • Veteran officer core, most of whom have played since vanilla release
  • Relaxed atmosphere, we aren’t “filthy casuals”, we just realize the game is secondary to real life
  • Events, we try to shake things up with unique ideas, competitions and giveaways
  • Multiple gaming community, let’s be honest we ALL play different games and need people to play with
  • Vibrant Discord, we aren’t gonna hold a gun to your head but this is how we mainly stay in touch
  • Age Range, most of us are 30+ so if you come in with that rizz game you probably won’t fit in too well


  • Mythic+ (our baseline players get KSM but most push much higher)
  • Raiding (one night a week on Thursdays, 8pm-11pm EST)
  • Delves (still unknown factors but we’re pretty hyped for them)
  • PvP (probably our least organized area atm but you’ll find some who love it)
  • Seasonal (hardcore, classic and season of discovery)


  • Josh - Guild Master: Discord - thejbrews // Bnet - JBrews#11807

Hey you picked a good time to come back.

My team is serious but casual and we raid Wed & Thur 8p to 11p EST.

Hit me up for more info :slight_smile:

GM Contact Info: Bnet Breeet#11114 // Discord Breeat or Enzoul#4167

Hai! We may be a good fit for what you are looking for. I will drop my GM’s blurb below and just let him know Shadow sent ya!

Betrayed Saints on US Stormrage is looking for members to join our ranks! We are a Casual Social guild, with the main objective to build a strong and fun community!

Being we are a casual guild that enjoys all different types of content and building a family like community! We are small but as we grow have more people diving into end game content as the season progresses. Plus we have those who love chasing mogs, achievements, secret unlocking and mount/pet collectors as well.

Most, if no all, of us are working adults or parents with children that play when we can! Life priorities first after all!

Many people are finishing the grind in panda remix and starting to swap back to retail to preparing for WW within the next couple of months! We will be forming a raid team during War within, but for now just doing pickups here and there to try and get some gear and the awakened mount. We are also helping those interested in pushing keys to obtain 2k IO for the mount as well.

We run a monthly lottery that’s been a huge hit and you could win some dough!!!

If you’re a casual player horde or ally! Come on down! We accept everyone!

Feel free to reach out! Discord - jewbaccathehut or Bnet - subs#1886

Hi there. I requested you on Bnet. Youll see it from Sedgie#1883.

Hey there.

I represent a new guild that’s looking for healers and non plate dps. We are a mostly raid focused, semi hardcore, mostly mature, pretty chill group of people. We raid Wednesday and Sunday from 7pm - 10pm PST.

Mmoargynn on discord - preferred
Mmoargynn#1987 on bnet

Feel free to add me on bnet - Sedgie#1883 and on Discord - SedgieRN

═══ Soup ═══

We are a semi-midcore/casual guild that currently raids Tues/Wed 9-11pm Est with planned monthly Guild/Community events. We are AOTC Focus with the potential of casually entering Mythic. We have been achieving AOTC in current and previous iterations and are consistently looking for players to either join our Raiding Team, Mythic+ Shenanigans, Delves, Guild / Community engagements.

Our community prides itself in creating a safe place for everyone to play this game we all love regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or anything else you can think of. Our raiders will be the best players we can find but we will not waiver on our core values to accommodate a player that does not align with our beliefs no matter how good they are. TLDR: Family and Female friendly, LGBTQ+ inclusive, gamers, good memes. and ridiculous antics.

With that being said we are in need of Healers, DPS players, Keystone Warriors, Gamers, M+ Tanks, Social butterflies and are always on the lookout for exceptional players.

Please feel free to insert an application via (https://forms.gle/ZLaxgQTsK94kP6iy9) : We will PM you after we get your app :slight_smile:

No Accountability was founded with the intentions on AOTC every season and a heavy emphasis on Mythic+. We will also do some Mythic progression after AOTC.
Raid times 8pm-11pm EST FRI/SAT
This is a new Guild so please keep that in mind before wanting to join to just leave, it’s a building process :heart:
We are non-elitists.
Whether your brand new to the game or a returning player all are welcomed
What We Offer:
• Serious Mythic Plus: Sharpen your skills with our experienced team.
• Consistent AoTC Clears: We’re driven to succeed together.
• Still looking for all DPS and one healer for raid, open to more healers for key groups.
• Weekend Raiding: Perfect for those who love weekend challenges.
Why Join No Accountability?
• Team-Centric Approach: We believe in teamwork and mutual respect.
• Laid-back Atmosphere: Enjoy the game with chill folks who share your passion.
• We have a very active core group who are on every day, pushing keys and hanging out in discord.
If you play every day like us and want ppl to play with and talk to connect with us on discord. We would love to talk to you some more.
or reach out to my Recruitment Officer @ Vit_Kael
Discord @ inosuke94
Bnet @ SmokeyDaTree#11688

We’d love to chat about you joining us! shoot any one of us a message on discord!