[H&A][Dalaran]<Helmets and Crayons>[AOTC+] New Mid-Core Raiding Guild Looking For All For TWW

[AOTC+] New Mid-Core Raiding Guild Looking For All For TWW

Helmets and Crayons is a new guild looking for all roles going into The War Within. We value good vibes and efficient use of raid time. we are lead by experienced players in mythic and even CE raiding. Our goal is to achieve AOTC early and push as far as possible into Mythic in the first tier. In future tiers once we have established a full roster we want to continue to push mythic earlier to go as far as possible.
We are looking at a week night raid time but are open on days once we have more raiders input. Looking to make good use of the new cross server functionality coming in pre patch so faction and server are not a concern.

Our guild and community are also accepting players for mythic+ to join the discord and/or guild

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm to 11pm EST.

Officers Discord: Gpr1, JustLegend123
GM Discord: Curtwright

lets go fight bugs together

Still recruiting!

We are still recruiting!

still need all!