Looking to come back, what should I expect

Are you playing over 50 RBGs in 3 days?

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Well some arenas too tbh mostly arenas.

So you don’t think playing hundreds of arenas or 70+ RBGs is a grind? I mean I suppose if you play 16 hours a day, you can certainly get there in 3 days, but that’s not realistic or even healthy.

Time Flys when you are having fun. I don’t think it’s bad as you are claiming, even if you didn’t go at my pace and spread it out a few weeks to be almost as strong as the strongest in the game is pretty fast.

People need to stop whining.

Here is the tl;dr version: if you have a consistent group of people that you enjoy playing the game with you will do fine in both unranked and rated. If you don’t have that right now, I would strongly suggest finding one. The PUG grind life is bleak.

To each their own, but it’s pretty disingenuous to claim it only takes 3 days to reach those item levels. Especially considering the majority of the community isn’t going to be hitting 1800-2100 rating either. So your average player after all that grinding is likely only going to be around 205.

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People should be limited by their skill, that certainly isn’t the grind’s fault. The implication was about the grind specifically and not the actual ilvl. If I can achieve 215 in 3 days, then someone can easily max out on what they are capable of achieving in the same amount of time be it 200, 205, 214.

The fact is, the grind is not that long. People just want to be handed things or ding 60 and be at their maximum potential.

your options are to buy a carry or just unsub. the gear disparity isn’t worth this game anymore. unless you have 40k you’re just going to constantly get blown up.

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Right, but telling someone who obviously isn’t familiar with the current system that it only takes 3 days to get 215 with zero context isn’t very helpful. Just sounds like some sort of weird flex.

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I mean, I don’t want to make up numbers to support my argument. I used myself as an example from what I know is true and possible.

Pretty much sums up, unless you’re 210+ I wouldn’t bother with bgs.

At least in bfa and legion you could all go in with equal chance and they were actually fun.

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What is possible and what are realistic are completely different. You could win 70 RBGs in a row and be ilvl 220ish after you grind out the reknown, but giving someone that scenario as an example is ridiculous.

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Like I said, 3 days might be fast, but 2 weeks to achieve what I did in 3 days isn’t a stretch.

To make it seem like 2 week casual grind is a lot is really telling. People just want free handouts :woman_shrugging:

Oh man. Lol Poor OP just looking for soma meta advice, and gets caught up in the usual RBG forums drama. Lol

PVP can be whatever you want to make it, OP. I leveled a new Hpal last week, I stopped at 1560 cr and 188 ilvl. This morning I spent my conquest/opened my vault and he’s now 197 ilvl and a couple wins from 213 gear.

This morning I was healing 2100 MMR games on another alt who is 213, now he’s a handful of wins from 220 gear.

I’m having a little trouble pushing my main past 2200, but that’s cool, I didn’t expect to even get that far my first season doing pvp, so if I don’t see 2200 I’m still fairly content with where I’ve got to.

Point being, I’ve hit some decent benchmarks this season, some multiple times. I can’t guarantee you’ll get anywhere, nor can I say you aren’t going to shoot up to elite in a week or two. But if fun is your goal then just enjoy playing, and do your best. Don’t let people discourage you from doing something you enjoy, and the only certainty in PVP is you’ll never accomplish anything if you don’t play.

Good luck man.

Oh come on Tactics, when you see my name you already know.

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You’re honestly not what I was referring to. Lol You ruffle people’s feathers for kicks, but at the end of the day you generally convey the message I agree with, which is ‘you can climb higher if you want.’

I was referring to people telling OP he’s going to hate the game before he even logs in. Lol

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I generally dislike hyperbole. Especially in a genuine thread. The answer is almost always somewhere in the middle of the responses you get.

I don’t mind being undergeared usually unless I’m playing a particular class who’s only real contribution is usually damage (DK etc.) So I don’t really resonate with people saying it’s impossible to have fun. But having no outs to gear disparity is a feel bad sometimes, and have no inclination to think we can’t improve on systems due because of some appeal to tradition fallacy.

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But you do, you just choose not to do it.

I’m talking about specifically during the gearing process.

What? That makes no sense since getting to 227 ilvl is part of the gearing process.