Looking to come back, what should I expect

Big fall after big rise. Eh expected, Blizzard seems to think so based on the conference call. The trend is the most important thing to follow, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

Largest %-based turnover in history means the largest % of players have been disappointed with the game, in some way. There is no other way to spin that. Incoming and returning players are just simply not staying.

You have no evidence to suggest to know players reasoning for leaving. That is just wrong.

Why would they leave if they are enjoying the game? Logic dictates.

I’m done hijacking OP’s thread. Say what you want. I don’t think people are enjoying PvP or the game in general, very much. Just an opinion, but there are anecdotal stats to support it, is all.

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That’s not logic lol I know plenty of people who came back for launch with no expectation of continuing to play after achieving max level and doing the story line.

Your logic is horrible and you make conclusions without evidence.

Typical forum user.

That argument only holds if you can somehow support the idea that a LARGER % of players returned for SL just for the storyline as opposed to those who just came back for the story in previous xpacs.

There is no data to say they didn’t. But I’m not trying to pretend I know the why. People abuse numbers all the time by trying to make them suit their narrative.

correct, falling subscriptions by players that desperately want the game to be enjoyable but are let down per usual, worse is these people are all still employed.

exactly this

deductive reasoning suggests that people are not liking what they, blizzard, thought was an acceptable product

pretty sure the narrative here is that people don’t like the game more in this expansion than in past expansions, might not be pvp related, but for this board – it is.

the new cov, binds, leggo, torghast, etc. are annoying at best, these aren’t ground breaking ideas from blizzard but recycled trash that no one asked for… again.

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It’s impossible, unless you have the highest tolerance for frustration known to man.

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Don’t play this game. lol

Not worth breaking everything you said down because you didn’t make a single factual statement.

Pure opionated false narrative claimed under deductive reasoning. Feels like a study with a sample size of 1.

A 16 year old game with a sub fee falling in numbers? I couldn’t imagine it.

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I guess if that were true then everyone would agree with you, which isn’t the case, or would you like a comprehensive report on that just to make some other excuse for it?

the age of the game isn’t what causing it, the fact they’re no longer innovative or release anything ranking just above compost is the real issue

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Please show your source.

I think the lack of community probably has a lot to do with it, tbh. The game is sectioned off into cliques because content is designed to exclude. But also, while I only started in TBC, the game was still fairly new to a lot of people–or the concept of MMO games. It’s still a fun game and I like it, but if I didn’t do 70% of my WoW playing on a limited data network I would probably be playing Rainbow Six Siege or something instead. Really looking forward to Baldur’s Gate 3 full releasing, actually. lol

Lol love it that clammed up that argument.

8 out of 10 bg’s I queue is this phenomenon.

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What an understatement

Getting over 200 ilvl in 1 day and getting 215 in 3 days doesn’t feel too grindy to me.

  1. Farm Soul Ash for 1~2 legendaries
  2. Farm all renown to get all stamina buffs. Significant HP increase. Also some covenant gear with vers
  3. Farm those tremendous amount of honor while getting 1 shot by a 5-man squat with 40K HP+
  4. Go to LFG and find a group to reach 1600 and get some 213 gear. Prepare to LFG every time your team lose once. BTW upgrading Conquest gear requires S- tons of honor as well so you will join the random BGs (even as group) and be part of the reason why random BGs are no longer fun for ALT or newcomer.

If you played PVP in WOD, MOP or CATA, the time required to be fairly competitive in Sland is prob. 5x of any of these expansion.

Please ignore all those BS about sub of SLAND reaching highest, PVP of Sland is MUCH worse than any expansion other than BFA and prob. Legion
Sland’s apparent success is based on how sh!tty BFA was, and people stuck in home due to COVID