Looking to check out RP on this realm

I heard that this was a good RP realm. I’ve played on it a bit here and there, but never seriously past leveling characters.

I’ve not really played all that much since Shadowlands just turned my off lore wise. Decided to try out this expansion and am liking it much better. However, I would like to get into some stories with people. My issue is I don’t know anyone in wow anymore, much less on this server.

I am willing to do allinance or horse RP. In fact, I’d even do both, but for horde I’d have to roll a new character.

Feeling kinda lost on how to get started honestly. Are there any helpful guilds or communities that might help with this? Maybe even groups that help write back storites, or people that may want to write something together?


Stormwind is the main RP hub of the server for Alliance, so just spending some time there in the evenings can be helpful. Most RP guilds (many of which have posts here on this forum) are welcoming to new RPers and would love to help. You might also find some of these Discords helpful:

^ good for general questions, finding guilds, etc.

^ more alliance specific, but also a good resource for finding guilds and stuff.

^ horde specific and a good resource, should you choose that side.


Horse RP is pretty nice if you can find someone to take care of you. Groom your mane, feed you oats, and call you a good horsie :eyes: :horse: :heart:

In all seriousness, if you’re looking for some communities, we have a few on Discord! Forgive me, I can’t post links, but I’ll offer the invite codes to each server!

The big Alliance discord I know of is Grand Alliance: 7PVbEQZ (Thanks to Kylanie for an actual link!)

And if you’re looking for Lore stuff, I help run a server with my friend called The Wyvern’s Tale: tYvgqmMJEJ We cover lore involving the current expansion and with Dragonflight, we have channels dedicated to each Flight while giving RPers hooks on how they can involve their characters in the current expansion! Our roots are Horde, but we have some blue lions and neutrals as well :smiley: We’re wanting to promote a friendly and helpful community, so if you have any lore or RP related questions, we’ll try to answer them best to our ability :sparkling_heart:

There’s also this thread that has a bunch of other discords, though how many of these discords still have working links, I’m unsure. It’s worth a try!


In addition to the resources above, just…hang out! Walk around the Mage District and the Park district, look at people’s TRP3 profiles, listen to their conversations in non-intrusive ways. Get a feel for how RP in a MMO goes, look at how people interact, download a couple of tools that can make things easier:

  • TRP3 (Total Roleplay 3) will let you make a profile for your character when you’re ready (no rush!) but also it’ll let you see what people generally put into their character profiles and give you ideas about backstory, important details, what you should tell people about yourself OOC, what they leave out in terms of story and fill in through active RP instead, etc.
  • Listener is an addon that is basically mandatory for following RP in crowded areas. It has a “Snooper” window that’ll let you review the things that you’ve heard that character said by hovering over them or clicking on them, and it pings you with a sound and a window flash when someone mentions your character by your character’s name, or emotes with you as the target.

Honestly, this post does a really good job giving anyone new a launching point on places to consider for discord launching points.

If you are looking for a Blood Elf community, I also highly recommend: <The Phoenix Legion> (H-RP) Blood Elf Military RP


Thanks Ban!

OP: Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in Blood Elf RP on Moon Guard. Regardless I hope you find a RP community you enjoy here.


Perhaps. I’d have to roll a new character, but that’s nothing new. I looked at the post that was linked and it mentioned having to use certain mounts for classes and uniforms. It says only hunters use the green one, and thats my favorite, so if I did make one it’s likely be a hunter.

Though it doesn’t mention what the uniforms are.

I’ve heard of TRP, and down loaded that. I’ve never heard of listener, though it does sound interesting.

Wouldn’t someone just hanging around evesdropping just seem creepy and weird though?

I’m used to TTRPGs with people I know not live action RP in MMOs :sweat_smile:

If you would like to watch some people RP.

Not at all, whispers are generally for OOC out of character communication. So walk up to that one or two people and either whisper or ask using ( and ) to grey out the text - this makes it really OOC.

I hope you find what you are seeking and looking for, the realm is poppin’ right now.

Thank you for these. I’m sure I could have found them eventually, but with so many servers out there one can never know which ones are active or not.

Also sorry for all the different replies. I don’t come to the forums often so I need to figure out how to do the multiple per post thing. Or that one where you can just embed the post you are replying to…

Well, there’s some situational awareness involved for sure :laughing:

Like, DON’T:

  • Sit on top of people
  • Follow people who are heading to a remote corner of the city to just stare at them
  • Stand right in people’s faces
  • Comment on active RP out loud in /say OOC without ((brackets))
  • Gennnnnnerally don’t force your way into IC conversations already in progress IC or OOC


  • Hang out in crowded areas where there are already a million people. Pick a spot and have a seat!
  • Sit within hearing range a respectful distance away, not faced towards/staring at people. If they don’t want to be overheard, they’ll switch to party chat or whispers!
  • Be aware that if you have a person targeted, sometimes they assume that your character is looking at them, IC. TRP3 has settings to mark yourself as OOC and also to leave a note that you’re just looking around that can be useful!
  • If you’re feeling brave and think you’ve got a handle on it, say “Hi” to someone in-character who has a note that they like “walkups” - interaction from people who just walk up and start interacting!

But, in general, people in public places saying stuff out loud don’t mind an audience! Just be respectful and don’t interrupt or get in people’s personal space.


So I spend some time walking around and reading TRPs, and got some whipsers, talked with some people. Most people were really nice.

However, my first interaction was a rando priest walking right up to my character and saying “leave you knife eared b****.”

Now, that’s that internet. It happens. However, what is realy weird is that an NPC says this every time I walk into the cathedral.


I have literally never seen this. What is happening?

Unfortunate to have a reaction like that starting off, but so long as it’s IC then hopefully all is well @v@;;

As far as the NPC goes, he has unique dialogue with Void Elves given they’re… Void Elves lol. Lightforged also have unique dialogue, though it’s not nearly as lengthy.

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Hiya Rissara, and welcome to Moon Guard!

So much great advice given already, but might I ad: Keep an eye on the MG Forum for upcoming RP events and go check them out! Tons of Fun and great for meeting new people!


I found it humorous more than anything my friend. Just a rando running up and yellilng at you. Reminded me of the the people screaming about the end of the world IRL :laughing:

Though I didn’t know Velves got special lines, and I walked in right after the priest incident and I was like “Wow, that’s coincidental”.

Over all everyone has generally been very nice and accepting.

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We don’t really do uniforms. I don’t like interfering with people’s creativity on their transmogs. Only uniform requires are the tabard and the specific mounts during events.