Looking to buy a new system

RNDA2 cards got about a 10% post post release. The Radeon 6800 is already doing what you’re looking for unless we’re talking about 4K or RT.

Just looking forward. I’ve mentioned it already, but I only got the 3080 because of opportunity.

6000 series at MSRP never presented itself.

Looking forward, if I can “upgrade” to a mid-range GPU at some point in the future that can perform as well as the 3080 at lower power consumption and also only cost around $500, then that would be worth looking into so I can upgrade the other PCs in my house.

I’m not saying to get an RDNA2 card or commenting on it’s price. Pointing out RTX 3080 performance at a lower power consumption is already doable via the 6800.

I think we all agree the pricing is a train-wreck to begin with regardless of the vendor and the major reason not to buy.

As an aside, I had some chats with various vendors. The overall end goal is they don’t want to give you the option of buying low end/mid range rigs in the future and replace it with cloud gaming in the long run. Not all their reasons are nefarious (easier to fix problems on a common platform etc) but I think locking games behind various cloud platforms will probably happen at some time.

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cloud computing…shudder

i guess

You and me both. Engineers were looking to solve problems… bean counters were looking for new ways to bleed people for money.

One um… individual… wanted us to build a new internet for gaming. I asked him what’s wrong with the current working one? He was silent afterwards.

twas but a dream

Most people are in that boat with AMD and Nvidia GPUs.

I ended up getting mine from a supplier at a lower price than MSRP. After threatening legal action they magically found my A100s also.

You can still get cards at MSRP or lower. Nvidia for example were selling directly to miners at one point. You might have to hit up the people supplying OEM providers to get a card though.