Looking for World PvP?

Come to Emerald Dream US and join The Guard we are the #1 world PvP guild NA and dominate our foes in all aspects of PvP. We have destroyed every horde guild on the server and are looking for allies and rivals alike.


No one plays horde in rp warmode shards.


Or horde in general they’re sick of being camped!

yeah one (1) horde vs eighteen (18) alliance is never fun.
tho it’s literally impossible to camp anyone with dynamic flight in game.

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On Emerald Dream Horde used to go around in groups of 40+ and wipe out the alliance town in WoD. They’d go around different zones too and camp quest hubs and such.

Nothing quite like hearthing or flying back to Stormshield to get lagged out and then die because there’s 80 Horde in town killing everything. Literally 5+ second ability lag. Couldn’t do anything for hours on end until they left. You couldn’t even fight them because it was so laggy.

Or they’d just run around in a group of 20-40 killing everyone trying to quest.
Don’t get me wrong, it was great fun to participate in the PvP battles! But the Horde on my server stopped doing that shortly after BFA came around. They camped Boralis a few times (same way, 40-80 players, too laggy to fight), but they stopped pretty early on.
Still plenty of Horde around in the world but they are either solo players who avoid PvP, or they are in a group of 5 ganking Alliance at the pvp quests and getting bounties on themselves.
Still a lot of fun fights, but yeah I think Horde are less outnumbered on the RP shards, and more that they don’t participate in PvP outside of grouping up whereas Alliance will all fly to bounties and crates even if they are solo.
I still see lots of Horde out doing world quests, often outnumbering the Alliance. But when a crate drops they are nowhere to be seen.

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You guys are funny. Ill give you that.

Grats on holding out the longest I guess.

I’m Treng.
I played ED religiously from vanilla until Legion began.*
Warsong Battalion was an issue but so were The Caliphate, ACID Rain, No Mercy Mafia, Kingship of the East, The Guard, WAR… something, idr, and a league of others.

Alliance traditionally zerged hardest, which caused Warsong Battalion to become an issue.

*I hated Cata and quit.

Yeah I started on ED at the very end of MoP (I came back to WoW for WoD) so I don’t know any of the server’s history before then.

It’s only an issue if you’re red.

I play horde on wra, rp server. I can’t get a group together for world pvp to save my life. Battlegrounds too for that matter. I know that’s not the best crowd for it but there’s sooo many alliance that is just disheartening for people to even wanna try


I made a huge thread in this section of the forums. War mode ruined wpvp. Too many safe areas. No one ventures out.

They need to bring back pvp servers. Period.


I want to agree on theory but that’s a hard no. Too much of a commitment for when things turn sour. And they will. I used to play on a pvp server and the bad times far, far outweighed the good ones.

I thought world mode would be a have your cake and eat it too situation but I guess that phrase exists for a reason. I can’t even do world pvp quests while in war mode cause when I join a group no one else has it turned on

It is weird and refreshing though that even while I have wm on I never get jumped or tanked the only times I do is when I’m sitting still and I’m watching an alliance try to decide if I’m afk or not.


Ain’t for everyone but it was great. Not being safe is the fun part. You never knew. Unfairness and war is what made wpvp crazy and fun.


I think one thing that would actually help war mode out a lot would be to make two changes for the group finder:

If you join a group that is on a non-war mode shard, your own PvP is temporarily turned off so you can actually find groups for those group contents easier.
It’s simply a limitation that encourages people to leave war mode since it’s much harder to find war mode groups for quests.

Add a filter to the group finder so you can select whether you want to see war mode only groups or also PvE groups as well.

These two changes would mean no longer having to leave war mode just to find groups for outdoor group content, while making it easier to only see war mode groups in the group finder for those who wish to stay in PvP at all times.


I agree with this.

Also wish they’d limit the number of warmode shards, and give us some options related to shards.

Be nice if we had a system like final fantasy where you can see what shard you are on, and can switch to other shards.

So annoying ending up on dead or enemy faction heavy shard, then needing an invite from someone else to try and phase over to a fight. It’s not fun.


That’d be so heavily abused though depending on how they implement that… We already have people abusing follower dungeons, do we need more people abusing more mechanics like “turning off WM temporarily”?

I believe there’s an addon that has this filter… I couldn’t tell you which though but I remember a friend mentioning it.

When they say PVP toggle, they mean it just pulls you in to the warmode off shard without having to turn it off and then back on and go through all that hassle. It just pulls you over. Its how it worked when you got pulled to a PVE shard back in the day…

Its a solid idea.

And no more abuseable than joining an LFG group now. Because if you’re in combat, you’re not going to get phased over.

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About the abuse: it wouldn’t functionally be any different than right now where you can just join any group to change your shard.


Even then though back in the day it caused some problems. When sharding from a PvP server to a PvE server, you’d still be PvP flagged for 5 minutes. When it came to open world group content, this became a bit of a nuisance for those who had PvP off because beneficial spells or healing couldn’t target the PvP flagged player. In some instances, they’d get flagged themselves and would be annoyed that they’re flagged and could possibly be killed.

Same thing would happen here. Theres probably other interactions too that I’m not thinking of.

If it kept the same interaction, then yes, it could work.

Like above, so long as it kept the same interaction of “it won’t shard you while you’re in PvP combat and for a few seconds after” then it would be fine.

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That was just blizz being stupid with how they did that for some reason. Staying PVP flagged for 5 mins after phasing to a PVE realm served no purpose and to this day I still don’t know why it worked like that.

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