Looking for RP - In Game Community?

I figured we might all go to our respective “rp corners” and do what we do best, but man, this seems like a great opportunity to align our interests.

Meeting sounds like a plan, thanks, and hope to see you in game.

I just realized that when you’re in a community, you can post events onto the in game calendar and that everyone else in that community can see it. A very useful tool that I think can be used hand in hand with the google doc we have listed in the directory sticky.

I updated the originally post here with ideas. I’m taking feedback.


You can! Honestly, communities are faaantastic. You get access to calendar and chat. Honestly, I think it’s a brilliant invention we could take full advantage of.


Between the fact you can put events on the calendar that others in the community can see, and even just two channels of ‘general’ to commiserate and try to make connections, and ‘LFRP’ for specifically well, looking for RP - I feel like this is an awesome framework for people to use. This could be super helpful for people returning with Shadowlands, and give awesome options for people to make RP in the literal Shadowlands themselves! I certainly look forward to joining all the other Sin’dorei in Revendreth and immersing. This seems like the perfect tool for fostering world RP.

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Run with any of them you like! I’m in more of a position to spitblal than follow through on this stuff.

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A community of this nature would be supremely beneficial in a number of ways.

If it’s something you plan to organize and coordinate, providing participants with warnings about the current bugs plaguing the Community Feature and possibly how to fix them and get the most out of the feature could be a huge benefit.

I’ll have to look and see what bugs there are since I’m unaware. Thanks for the heads up!

One that seems to be recurring is the Community Feature chat channel disconnect. For example, you may have a community channel applied to your chat box in-game, but it will intermittently stop appearing in your chat box despite having the setting to toggle it on selected. :disappointed: It has led to many frustrating times.

Edit: There isn’t a permanent solution that I am aware of, but toggling it off then back on (sometimes repeatedly) will eventually fix it and get it working again. I’ve heard some people need to do this every time they log online.

Oh yeah I know about that one actually. It’s fairly annoying, especially being that it’s been over two years I think since communities debuted. I wish they’d just kinda… fix it?

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I’m super on board for this.

I remember when I first transferred to WrA way back in Cata, it was the old super organized server fansite and the structured chat channels that roped me in. Since those disappeared and community organization has been reduced to forum posts and hoping you manage to find the right active discord, it’s been a real struggle to get back into things every time I return. The calendar alone would be a huge boon.


This sounds amazing

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Absolutely. Having a calendar with listed open events in-game would be a huge benefit for so many returning players and new players too.


Hey everyone watching this thread. I made a new one for the actual community: [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community - #16 by Sint-wyrmrest-accord

Horde coming soon!