Looking for PVE Guild


I am a main fury warrior looking for chill guild for M+ and Raid content, I move to AUS a while ago and I’m returning wow, let me know if someone is interested, thank you so much.

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Hey Palostari and welcome back and welcome to Australia :smiley:
Echidna Huggers are still looking to complete our raid team and bolster our mythic+ community as well. We have a recruitment post here if you wanted to check it out our contact details are in the original post. Wishing you the best in finding your people :slight_smile:

Happy to chat. Please drop us a message and see if the people match the promise. We are looking for a Warrior for our small team.

What is Synergised:
Synergised is a Heroic raiding and Mythic+ guild on Nagrand Server (GMT+10) built from experienced progression raiders who want to do something a little different.

Synergised people:
We recruit experienced mature relaxed players to participate in raiding and Mythic+. Your guild peers understand that real life has a way of getting in the way of Warcraft at times and we work around that.

The guild maintains a roster of up to 15 active players to retain that “part of a team” feel.
The Synergised focus:

At the season start the guild does a quick push to get AOTC and then continues clearing the raid one night a week for people to gear their mains and primary alt.
The core guild focus is on Mythic+ and we have activities scheduled 4 nights a week that people can choose to participate in. In Season 2 of TWW our aim is to get everyone to an 3000 IO score (new achievement and mount) and support those who want to push further.

Contact us
Ingame: Hex-Nagrand
Ingame: Pheoniix-Nagrand
BattleNet: Fire#15506

Hey mate,

Discord is coops34

We are looking for a warrior atm, hit me up and our recruit post is below

Hey Palostari,

We are looking for a warrior dps to join our raid team. We also do heaps of M+. We raid one night a week ST 8:30pm to 11:00pm to do AOTC raiding.

shoot me a msg on discord if you are interested.

discord blazy2396 or ign: Blazblued

is a home for wow veterans, noobs, collectors, completionists, and ‘solo players’ who love to play and talk about wow without the stress, drama, or pressure to perform. We have a very active & welcoming discord, M+ pushers, we are cross-faction, and recruiting raiders for Season 2.

We are an OCE group but have lots of US members as well (including myself). Feel free to message me if you have any questions! We’d love to welcome you to the family! Bnet: Kunaminy#11756 / Discord: Kunaminy