Does anyone like doing just the regular ol game anymore?
I recently started a new normal char on the Pagle/Mankrik/etc server group and there were quite a bit of normal players. I think the HC hype combined with Wotlk burnout has kind of rekindled interest the classic era servers.
Is this in Wrath or the base classic game?
Pure classic. Most of the regions have been combined so I think it’s like… west coast / east coast and oceanic or something like that. I know Pagle and Mankrik are combined so thats why I mentioned them specifically but there are a bunch more in there too.
Well if you happen to know anyone there who wants to play traditional classic, hit me up lol. Alliance or Horde, if the people are chill I will go wherever.
Hardcore is just not dying and no one should ever die in classic wow
Here are the Era clusters OP. The more populated being Whitemane PvP, Mankrik PvE.
Agree and most of them are on BB, anyway.
But, I’m still on BB with my non-HC characters and HC characters. BB is STILL an RP server, and there’s NOTHING in those HC rules (yes, I have the addon and in the Disc) that says “HCers can NOT RP”.
So, I have a HC Pally, that I’ve been RP walking on, the whole time
Got called a “psycho” once which is ironic, to me because the HC community seem “psycho”, to me with all these extra orbituary rules than my RP walking style that actually ALLOWS death lol
Non HC classic era is still poppin’
There is more people on Whitemane (PvP) but there is still a healthy population of casuals like me on Mankrik (PvE)
Got any guild recommendations, or desire for new friends to level with there? lol
Well that’s just silly! I enjoy taking risks, that’s why I’m leveling a paladin on Era rn and a lot of my time questing is spent pushing the limits of my health and mana to try and pull as much I can, as groups or without stopping in between single mobs. Sometimes I die, obviously. HC makes that kind of playstyle dangerous if not impossible.
There are some more additional HC rules that are optional like only wearing Gray or White Items. Only killing things and never ever doing quests. No grouping, at all (the Solo challenge), etc.
That being said, nothing is stopping non-HCers to play non-HC. I still am, though I’m not raiding (though, that’s not a problem) due to not enough 60s, at the end to play with. Gotta recruit OUTSIDE of the server, for that. No, I don’t want to transfer to Mankrik (where most of the 60s went, from BB). I’m staying on BB until I don’t have Game Time, die IRL or Blizz deletes the server. Whichever one comes, first.