Looking for new alt for 11.1

I have an 80 warrior but feel that fury is just not fun to me due to how button mashy it is. I’m stuck between a rogue, mage and DK in terms of being able to easily push at least +10s , class simplicity, and fun factor


Rogue is the opposite of simple, just saying.

If you dont like high APM time, then ignore Outlaw completely, that spec is faster than Fury even.

Assassination is the easiest of the 3 specs, but it requires a bit of micromanaging with the poisons and bleeds, it has a fairly long opening (mainly for AOE) and currently its heavily hurt by low energy regen, specially if you mess up, which leaves you feeling crippled, granted its the slowest of the 3 specs.

Sub is simple once you learn it, but its very punishing for mistakes since it relies almost entirely on CDs and CD Reduction to do dmg, dealing VERY little dmg outside of it, instead being a burst based Spec that even favors saving CDs for vulnerability windows to deal lots of dmg.

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Mages themselves are capable to push higher numbers and simple to play but have you considered a druid they also are fun also.

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Rogue is a steep curve, and the APM required to be decent is an acquired taste. Also the sfx are basura.

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I’m a big fan of all 3, but I main DK. So I’d say DK, specifically UH as its my fave.

But, arcane mage is a very good time.

And assassin rogue is also very fun.

Everything can push +10’s.

ive never been into druids, the class fantasy just doesn’t appeal to me

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Between those options I’d say going Protection Paladin is the winning play for key pushing and general dubs throughout season 2.

Probably DK of those 3. If fury is too smashy for you rogue will make you want to actually smash something. Mage is probably fine too, just not fire.

brewmaster monk

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Love my Frost Mage.

This I have no idea about though, not my thing.

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(I’m Wish and I’m sorry for my Paladin’ness).

I do have both a simplistic build and winning talent build for what I call ‘Casino Blood DK’ going into season 2. It does require raiding till the 4th boss but contains not a huge amount of buttons but should but be fun and relatively tanky. It’ll take you to 10s but would need to go into more DR for past that.

I also find Fury too button mashy. I played an Assassination Rogue this season and found it fairly easy and intuitive once you get in the swing of it, but I was definitely a bit frustrated with it when I was getting used to it.

I would actually suggest switching to Arms. It might be further down the list than Fury, but numbers-wise, when you get past the top few specs, everything else is fairly similar. Someone who plays Arms in dungeons might correct me, but I think any class/spec can push +10s fairly easily with the same ilvl.

This way you already have some gear, general class knowledge and a head start. We’re about to go into a new season so who knows what will still be tweaked and changed.

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I’d say Mage. They have quite a few buttons to push, but they’re also simple and fun compared to Rogue and DK. Portals, timewarp, mage table, range, I mean you’ll be living quite a good life. Plus, the class definitely isn’t braindead, it requires some thought input.

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Mage. Rogue gameplay is a lot more complex than any warrior ever is and mages are really simply by comparison. DKs just aren’t what they used to be.

I’ve been enjoying my fury warrior alt the most. So if I assume you and I have opposite tastes, out of the 3 you mention, you should go rogue, as that’s the one I like the least.

Why not just finish leveling the Shaman you’re posting on?

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I wouldn’t call mage simple. There is a lot of using one button to make other buttons effective and that first button has a cool down so other buttons have to be used instead. Then once you’ve figured it out they change how effective the cool down buttons are.

Compare that to Hunter Beast Master which is basically four or five buttons in rotation while you stand and watch your beasts do all the work and use the Q and E buttons to scamper out of the fire.

Follows the same rules as:

For the OP though: i leveled up my Destro Warlock and am having fun with him.

I’ve found mage and warrior to be very complimentary. When I get tired of one, I enjoy the other. It’s been that way since late Legion early BFA.


His complaint is button mashing and you suggest the most whac-a-mole class LOL

Rogue is enjoyable, its not as complex as people here would have you think but if you enjoy setting up a kill with a rotation its in a good place.

All the casters feel decent.