Looking for mature social guild

I just turned 50 and I’m looking for a mature group to hang out with and have some fun while playing video games. Right now I’m more looking for the social aspect of video games. I don’t mind running dungeons or raiding or whatever as long as we’re having fun doing it. I’m willing to transfer my characters to any realm and faction for the right group.

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You wouldn’t be the youngest here :blush:

Masochistic Tendencies is an adult horde guild that just reformed on Turalyon. We are an older bunch of goofballs … mostly over 40 Gen Xers with a few millennials thrown in and 20-something year old offspring of said Gen X’ers.

We are specifically catering to rerolls and returning players to finish up BFA. This bunch is very social!

Check out our thread at (H) LFM for Fun and Debauchery!

And come roll with us on Turalyon!



Hey Valdro! We are a guild exactly in your age range, I’ll leave our copy/paste info as it explains who we are. We hope to hear from you!

S E V E N on detheroc is looking to fill out it’s ranks to finish out BFA and push into Shadowlands.

About S E V E N

We are a former server first guild up till WoD (lets be honest WoD sucked) that was formed in Vanilla.

We are an adult only guild and do not accept anyone under 18+ and prefer our players even older than that

Our leadership is made of older players that have raided on and off since Vanilla always at a server first level.

What you can expect from us

Our raiding schedule is casual our game play is not

We have always had a saying “Don’t waste everyone else’s time” you can expect us to know both fight and class mechanics going into raids.

NO DRAMA. Most of us have our own kids in real life and don’t want to deal with others kids in game. This is an escape for us and they last thing we want is drama. It won’t be discussed it will just be removed.

Understanding. We get that RL pops up. Kids get sick, work demands become overwhelming, etc. Just let us know ahead of time if possible so we can make changes if need be (part of the don’t waste everyone’s time moto)

What do we expect of you

Be a decent human being. There is enough crap going on in the world today don’t be bringing any into the guild or game.

Competent players who are willing to get involved with all aspects of the guild

Preparedness. We expect you to come with consumables and a basic knowledge of the content we will be pushing.

Communication. RL pop up? Having issues with a mechanic, guildie, or something else in game. Let us know. We believe that communication is crucial in all aspects of what we do.


Tues/Thurs/Mon 8:30pm to 11pm CST.
That said we are a group that likes to have fun and keep things on the lighter side and some of us have been friends now for over 10+ years.


Ranged DPS (we have no locks/boomkin/ele shaman)
Havoc DH
I’m looking for competent plays but swinging a big dingaling with #'s isn’t the main thing I’m looking for. I want me and the rest of my guild to enjoy playing with each other and that is the most important aspect I’m looking for in recruits.

Battletag: Subst#1909

The Finer Things Guild is a no-pressure guild of friends who simply love to play WoW. We are on Wyrmrest Accord and sound like exactly what you are looking for. We specialize in civility, friendship, and fun. Look us up, we are a horde guild.

Childishness does not fly in our guild. We are all working adults - teachers, librarians, tax accountants, etc.