I am looking for a laid back raid group. I’m looking to clear content with decent progression and like minded players. I started as a dps main in MOP where I tanked for several tiers shortly after until I fully moved over into healing.
I am a former GM, Co-GM and founder of Vivid -Thrall. It’s a guild we have consistently rebranded since MOP under various names. Until recently, the guild has always consisted of familiar faces and a similar goal but recently due to everyone’s life status’ we have grown apart and the drive of success has developed a new meaning that varies from player to player. Mutual respect for the members, but I’ve got to find something more suitable for my schedule and my goals.
My main in S1 was Zaybil-Thrall (logs available).I achieved ksm in all 3 roles. I love keys, but understand raid is needed to supplement gear to truly push them.
I am currently open to playing any role. I’d prefer to play dps. Preferably in a role that’d best benefit the guilds needs.
My Battle.net is zick4short#11722
Best place to reach me is Zick4short on discord. Just add me and I’ll pick up the message during work breaks.
Thank you