Bunch of Old Farts LFM to join our AOTC team

In many guilds, you log on for your regularly scheduled raids and you’re just a body filling a role. It’s no different from an organized pug in that regard. We in Vitae Rising remember when raiding with a guild felt like being a part of a team of friends working together to reach common goals. We remember that, because that is the environment we continue to foster here. We have been playing/raiding/guild leading/officering together since 2004. Most of us are middle-aged adults with jobs, kids, and families but we have never forgotten that dragons in digital fantasy worlds need to be killed, drop loot, and we need to wipe a few times to get there.

We have achieved AOTC for every raid, but because of being real life adults now we do not raid Mythic difficulty. The guild is 18+ and for mature people only. If you are offended easily then this isn’t the guild for you. (No snowflakes, they will melt here.) We are an intentionally small group because we value quality over quantity and look for people we will actually enjoy playing with.

We are currently in need of a few select dps and heals to fill out our team. Our main needs are:

Currently open to all classes/specs except tanks.

Heals: High need!
DPS: Exceptional dps will be considered on a case by case basis.
Tanks: Full
Always willing to consider exceptional players who we feel will mesh well with our team.

Raid days/times are Tue/Thur at 10:00 PM server (eastern) to 1 AM Eastern. (6 hours a week) AOTC and M+ pushing are our goals. Cross faction guilding welcome. We are horde but have some Alliance as well. Quality people please reach out!

Please post here or reach out to me on Discord : Fenrirulv

Or Battle.net: Rawrabear#1450 if you are interested.

Thanks for reading!

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Any specific classes in high demand?

I think no Hunters or tank. Healers and maybe range dps. But I’m not an officer. I’m just Fen’s Thorn in her side.


Any healer really, hybrids with healing OS. DPS-wise, we’re pretty open. Would love another warlock since we only have one. Have a small army of Hunters right now so don’t really need anymore of those lol. We’re not really trying to min-max, we care more about having a solid group of people who will show up regularly and want to be part of a team.

Full on dps spots now, but we’re still looking for 1-2 reliable healers to join our team. Any class will be considered.

Still have a spot available for a solid MW Monk or Holy Pally.!

Resto druid/ holy or disc priest or pres evoker here looking to join a little rusty but once the cobwebs have been shaken can be a very reliable healz.

Apologies for not seeing this sooner, if you’re still interested, please add me on discord at Fenrirulv or in game at Rawrabear#1450.

Looking for one Resto druid able to make our raid days (Tues & Thurs 10pm-1am EST). Also have spots available for a solid Havoc DH and a Rogue.

Any interest in a Balance Druid? Looking to get back into raiding after a break!

Hey! Resto Druid here, 5/8H LoU exp, I’m looking for a Tues, Thurs raiding schedule, let me know if you still need a furry friend! Califax#1785