Might as well call me new player … I’ve played only about 20 hours in last 3 years … I would like to find like minded players that want to do mythic raiding in shadowlands and what’s left of BFA.
I’m the type of player that enjoys collections in games, raiding, dungeons, and good conversations on a discord channel.
Not into drama at all. I’m a leader at work all day just want to be a follower in game.
I have zero toons on kel’thuzad but I am ready to roll a new toon and start enjoying the game with good people.
My interests in classes for shadowlands are BM hunter main , Pally - tank… other alts won’t be that serious I do not think but will be trying out warlock, warrior, demon hunter, rogue, and Druid for transmogs of different types and collecting mounts - pets etc mostly