Looking for Heroic Guild and Mythic Plus community for 10.2

I’m interested in coming back and playing 10.2 and beyond am looking for a Heroic raid team and mythic plus community, looking for a long-term home and good friendly community open to play any class or spec and can raid any night long as it doesn’t go past 11pm

Hey Myurr,

We would welcome to into our guild, we at Valhalla are 9 raid teams and a massive key running community. Raids at: 1 X 9/9MCE, 2 X 8/9m and a 7/9M team with 5 X AotC teams. Would be happy to see if we can find a team that you would fit into? we are trying to build a massive community to ensure the raid teams keep rolling and that we have people to run keys with non stop. Jump into discord and Shoot Varcoe a message and we would love to try to find you a raid team to suit what you want!

Varcoe- Khaz’goroth (H)#8513

Check out our discord to see whats going on:

This is our main post

Hi there, Anarchy inc is a AOTC and social guild on Dath’remar. We like to hang in discord and also enjoy achievement and mount runs plus of course M+! If you like a home where you are not just a number but peeps enjoy each other’s gaming company shoot me a message Zwirbel#1679

Hey there Mage :slight_smile:

The Collective may be a great fit for you! We are on Barthilas and have multiple raid teams

I happy to have a chat with you further if you wish - discord → cynters or so1orage

Hey Myurr, if you are still looking for a guild and open to server transferring to Barthilas hit me up on Discord - coops34 - would love to chat