Heya! I’m Covinsky.
I main ret and play holy as my off spec and I’m looking for a new home. I’ve been in countless dead guilds so far (some moved to horde; even friends from other servers moved to horde #CRY).
As a player I see myself as a solid one, always trying to improve my gameplay and learning more about my class. I’ve pretty much just played pally since vanilla lol … even though I main ret I can play the other specs if needed, no problem. My goals in PvE are to get KSM and AOTC (already got them on 9.1) and go as far as I can on Mythic. Even after getting those, I still play to improve logs, farm mogs and of course, to help others.
You can check my logs on warcraftlogs and raiderio
As a person I’m super chill, quieter but I’m definitively a friendly person!
I prefer to play during daytime, but if I find the right place I can manage my playing time to suit the guild and its goals.
Thanks for reading, =)
Covinsky#1400 BNET
covinsky#8785 DISCORD