Looking for guild (Oceanic time zone) 18 years experience

Hi guys. :slight_smile:

I am looking for a guild to join to raid with in TWW. I’ve had the same main for 18 years. I am a Resto Druid but can play any Druid spec. I also have a variety of alts. Looking to mainly play my Druid, Mage and Shaman in TWW. Must be LGBTQ friendly.

Note due to personal commitments I haven’t raided since Legion. I’ve been mainly a PVP player. So… PVP is a bonus. :wink:
Thanks guys. Much love.

Hello Voyage!

High Latency on Trollbane (NA EST) server is currently looking for more players for our raid team and rbg night! We are currently full on healers (for raid) but could probably use a back up healer for our rbg night! If you are interested check out my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

We are also LGBTQ friendly and have a diverse roster!

Feel free to message me in game if you have any further questsions! Yakella- Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa#6430