Looking for Gameplay Critique - What Am I Doing Right/Wrong?

As the title says, just looking for honest critique.

I know I’m not the best player out there, but I’m here to learn. I recently recorded some of my gameplay (link below) and was hoping to get some honest feedback. I’d love to know where I’m messing up, postioning and where I’m actually doing things right. Be brutally honest—I can take it.

Oh, and don’t mind the music—it helps me stay focused with my ADHD :o)

Here’s the video: https: //youtu.be/GBh1Rz43RXw

Thanks in advance.


I’m not either, so take my suggestions with that it mind…

Why are you playing so far from your gateway? Also, Gateway Control Shard is really useful, it allows you to keybind using your gateway rather than having to click on it.

Why are you not fearing the enemy healer? Your healer did almost all the CC in that game.

Thanks for the feedback. Should I fear the healer till it completely dr’s? And I didn’t know about that gateway shard, that’s awesome, thanks.

CC is situational, I wouldn’t just spam it, but use it in moments when you have lots of damage, so that the healer is stressed out.

If you’re just casting it on CD, the healer is almost hoping you’ll DR it.

Keep curses up on all enemies. Use amp curse of weakness during burst to stop crits. During down time you want to keep exhaustion up as much as you can.

Always soulburn healthstone then dark pact for a massive shield.

Soulburn Port when your healer is in a cc.

Fear the dps on his cds as much as you can.

First of all, I really respect that you came here to ask for help and were willing to submit a video of your gameplay. This is the absolute BEST WAY to get advice, even though it doesn’t always feel like a welcome idea.

That being said, let’s break down the game:
0:15, insta soulburn gateway so you have a way to run and create distance; great job!

0:18-20. You’re in his LoS before you start casting charhound, which is the right cast, but you literally waste 2s while he’s rooted and healer is far away for 0 reason to start casting. No reason to hold “A” for those 2 seconds to strafe.

0:22 first cast of charhound = good. Second cast of shadowbolt is bad. Next cast should just be dogs into tyrant so you get the extension on dogs. Shadowbolt is pretty pointless here because you have shards to spend, it does very little damage, and you need to get other demons rolling over pressing shadowbolt.

0:24- you stun him for your damage, great job! Exactly what you wanna do here :slight_smile:
0:25 you start casting tyrant. good in theory, but you don’t have dogs out, so your tyrant is gonna be way weaker.

0:26-0:28, tyrant is cast and you spend 2 globals and 2s walking to the side for no reason without applying your curses or using an instant demonbolt proc, so you’re literally just CCing yourself for 2s. You started combat at 18s and are at 28s and literally 4 of those 10 seconds or 40% of your opener you’ve wasted by just walking to the side. If you planted, you’d already have dogs out and a hand of guldan if you just sat your butt still and casted and have 2x the damage available.

Also this DH fat fingers nether or something, so you swap to the pally with your felguard and that’s super good!

0:29-0:30 you use 2 damage globals in dog and your demonbolt proc; good job! Get that damage rolling! However, if you did things correctly, you’d have damage ramped and pally would be at 70% instead of 90.

0:31you use your aoe fear -which in 2s in general feels like a WAY worse option than coil-… and on the DH? Who has just used a major defensive AND enemy healer is out of CC? Straight to jail. This is the first real big mistake. Against any competent team, that healer dispels the fear instantly and you get your butt pushed in by a DH on fear dr with no peels for yourself because you just used both stuns AND your peel AND your healer’s root. It’s also important to note that the DH has pressed 0 offensive buttons and your healer hasn’t been CC’d yet, so you’re in a SUPER vulnerable position because you used everything offensively and didn’t really generate pressure.

0:32 this dh… trinkets and backflips??? What on earth?! HIS HEALER HAD DISPEL UP?!
0:33 you 1/2 fear his trinket. Again, not a good time to fear the DH. He has pressed 0 offensive buttons, so what are you trying to CC? These are YOUR CDS!!! You want to do damage to him and make him scared!!! If you feared the healer here, THAT would be huge.

0:34 you try to shadowfury off the fear, but that’s not really impactful because it’d be 1/2 anyways and he BACKFLIPS THE STUN OMG THIS GUY IS INSANE?!

0:34-36, goood you’re pressing damage again, PROUD OF YOU!!! This all being said, you have been in combat for 16 seconds and pressed only 5 damage globals; one of which was shadowbolt, which is about as useless as it gets. That’s ~11 seconds of missed damage and wasted CC, or 68.75% of your time in combat being effectively useless. I’m 36 seconds into a 213 video, 16 of which was combat, and I can already tell you’re not doing your pve rotation correctly, you don’t know when to CC, and we’re wasting globals.

That being said, you’re already 2x better than this DH at least and we’re here to learn! Let’s keep watching and figure out how we can improve!


I just have to point out how much I love how positive you are Nasrajin.


0:36-0:37 you get stunned, but dont press dark pact? Make sure to do that while you’re still high on HP to get max efficiency on it! You also trinket, but you wait a full second to do so. I understand you’re thinking about what to do, but if you’re gonna trinket, make sure you commit to pressing it instead of just vibing for a full second.

0:38 on your trinket you start to cast fear. This is a bad cast because, again, the healer is out of CC and can dispel, and also even if you get the fear off it’s a 1/2 fear. You’re pressing CC for the sake of CC, not recognizing that it’s not a good idea. You are 19 seconds into your 30s darksoul buff and have used only FIVE damage spells total. PLEASE, man, do your pve rotation!!!

0:39 he kicks fear for some dumb reason, but we take those and you start casting hand of guldan. 6th damage global at 21 seconds of combat. You’re gonna be so mad at me by the end of this review, but we have functionally wasted literally 15 seconds by just pressing the wrong buttons that accomplished nothing. Currently, you’re doing 346k dps instead of literally ~1million damage per second ramped dps. You could LITERALLY have three of you murdering this DH who wasted his nether on air the first global AND wasted his trinket on a dispelable fear.

If you clean up your dps rotation this guy is already dead and you’re 14 cr higher lounging in the gallywix pleasure palace memeing with your Rsham and some goblin honeys about how that dude was born with knees for hands.

While you haven’t gotten punished (yet) for using that time to CC instead, I still wanna highlight the importance of NOT just CCing for the sake of CCing, because now this guy has every damage CD and you have no buttons to peel him, which would really have put you in a bad spot if this DH wasn’t being piloted by a beginner minesweeper AI from 1989.

As a general rule, CC the healer when you have a stun and damage for the dps. Outside of that, CC the dps on HIS damage so he can’t use his CDs effectively.

0:40-42 after you finish your hand of guldan cast he casts eyebeam for his damage:
The really good thing you do here is you press dark pact while high on hp! We should’ve used it on the stun, but this is the next best time! Really good heads-up defensive play!

However, your next move is to… walk slowly to the right? This butthead just turned into illidan stormrage and starts using his eye beam (BIG DAMAGE INC, LOOK OUT) and you waste 2 more seconds strafing; THIS IS WHERE YOU USE PORTAL

You can’t spam CC him here, so port and run!

It doesn’t matter if you’re not doing damage during his cds because:

  1. you’re not pressing damage buttons anyways
  2. Even if you were, he’d be doing more to you than you to him, which is neither cash nor money
  3. Your demons will hit him even if you’re not hitting him.

0:42-0:47 your healer is hoj for cc, the DH pressed every damage button, and you literally spend 5 seconds running in a circle to use two globals. You can amp curse him here instead of regular curse of weakness to make him do significantly less damage, and also use that movement period to toss some demonbolts to get those shards rolling, but more than anything just PRESS PORT TO DO ALL THESE THINGS SAFELY WHILE YOUR HEALER IS IN CC

0:48-49 Was the erratic movement over the last 5 seconds due to you getting out of your chair so chanimal could take over and sit down? You port away from the danger here AND Walk out of his line of sight so he can’t hunt to you?! Genuinely amazing job

If skynet was smarter, the robot piloting this DH would be so mad that he would kick a puppy in the matrix because of how hard you just outplayed him. I know it seems really silly, but by porting and taking 1 step to the right you’ve functionally negated the entire mastery buffed window of his burst damage and made yourself a non-target. Beautiful. 13/10 Defensive play.

I also want to point out, however, that this DH has been pressing damage globals for literally only 12 seconds. THat’s 1/3rd the time you have. He is doing 16 million damage compared to your 11.63m. Yeah, I’m sure quite a bit of that is on pets, but this DH has done 50% more damage than you in 1/3rd the time, or being 4.5x more efficient with his damage globals - and that’s WITH you outplaying him there.

0:49-0:53; this is great, we see the DH is static and far away, we move up and cast damage on the hpal that we can hit. We press our charfiend to begin our second ramp and toss out a demon bolt and are gonna ram ranch some dogs surely, right?

0:53-1:00 Brother, please. You spend 7 full seconds running out into the open to use TWO instant cast abilities. That’s FIVE more wasted seconds of the 42 we’re in combat for a total of 30 seconds of wasted globals, cc, & movement or ~71.5% of incorrect button presses.

1:00 You stun the DH and start fearing something (not sure what, but I hope it’s the healer because that guy should absolutely be scared because “buffdh-bonechewer” is about as confused as a pitbull that’s been surgically grafted to a wrecking-ball and just as dangerous and likely to injure itself. We get kicked (pallys have kick and you absolutely should fake that cast there since he’s literally on top of you), but it’s okay because we instantly recast Hand! Great job!

1:02 we cast a second hand instead of dogs, bad priority! Press dogs! >:(

1:05 paladin is casting searing glare and you’re next to him and the DH with howl of terror. Fear them both to interrupt this and blast that rat DH.

Let’s watch to see what happens next!


Dear op, what I quoted cannot be screamed from the rooftops enough. It’s so refreshing to see someone genuinely want help in improving and not bringing an ego. I do not know enough about your class myself to help but I want it to be known how awesome this is.


1:06 we get searing glared - Oh no. Now we can’t fear D:
This is why that random movement to walk at them earlier was bad, because now you’re just on top of them getting ram ranched and there’s nothing you can do because port is on CD and you’re not by the gateway. DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!

In this situation you should be kiting AWAY from your healer to the southwest (down and right from your camera perpendicular to your gateway). This gives your healer space to heal you (and he can double root them so you can walk away) AND sets up a situation where you can port out of LoS of the enemy when it comes up AND be in line of your healer who just dropped a major healing CD (tide) that he has to waste because you cancelled your own insane kiting outplay by walking directly at the bad guy with swords. It is generally considered a bad idea to walk at melee dps, but more importantly, DO NOT WALK AT YOUR HEALER. You can both get double stunned into double feared here while you’re already at 1/2 hp and get BIG punished by these men into a free rep off.

1:11 we use healthstone, don’t think we needed to because healer already committed tide, but that’s okay! Just trty to be aware of your healer CDs.
1:13 WE FEAR THE DH ON THE REST OF HIS BIG DAM CDS LET’S GOOO! This is the BEST fear you’ve casted the entire game. I think it would’ve been better to just aoe howl them both and get your damage rolling again, but that’s still a good time to CC. 9/10.

1:14-1:18 goood, we’re damaging the pally and the DH DOES get dispelled, but your healer is a chad and hexes him off. Unfortunately you get kicked on ruination; gotta watch that!
1:23 you’re going to 1/2 fear the DH here, but get kicked. Brother, just aoe howl!
1:23-1:33 We spend 6/10 seconds kicked and in a hoj before our healer dispels which is fine and then you spend 4s doing damage again. PLEASE DO THIS MORE! NEED DAMAGE TO WIN GAME.
1:38 you waste what COULD be a chad hand of gul dan cast for more damage for a shadowfury that is 1/4th dr on the DH and pointless on the healer because he’s also DR’d AND in a hex. That’s just a completely wasted global that puts the DH on DR for 20s instead of 12, so your shaman will have to wait an extra 8s to lasso him.

Stop wasting globals! His cds are over, you’re healthy and this is YOUR damage, make him hurt!

1:41 your fear off the healer who gets 1/4th dr lassod. Not great overlap, and this is another reason that shadowfury was bad; if you DIDN’T overlap, the shaman would get a full extra second and a half of lasso instead of it being totally pointless. This is also on your shaman, but you kinda griefed him too. However, the CC is on the RIGHT GUY at the RIGHT TIME and you get darkness. 7/10, solid fear!

1:44 WHY ARE WE PORTING?! Just cast and ramp more damage!!! Now we don’t have port if he attacks us!
1:44-148 We spend 4 seconds to use one instant cast global. My brother in christ, you have CC’d yourself longer than this DH & Paladin have CC’d your entire team put together.

1:51 you cast a hand and then instead of using your instant demonbolt, you waste a full second to walk forward BACK TOWARDS THE BLADES OF DEATH


1:53 you fear the DH attacking your healer. Excellent peeling!
1:57 you start casting again (missed a global before and after the fear btw) and you FAKE THIS MAN AND RP THE US NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM’S GAME BALL BECAUSE YOU’RE NEVER GETTING KICKED, LET’S GOOO.
1:58-2:02 you ramp up damage which is awesome, but you DR stun the healer instead of FULL stunning the DH >:( Your healer also full hexes the hpal, which is rad, but you ABSOLUTELY get hpal trinket here or kill the DH if you stun the right guy.
2:04-2:06 he bubbles and you fear into it, which is not ideal, but you immediately recast damage, which is good! However, you’re on top of the healer AND the dh so you get searing glared while getting PVEd, which is bad.
2:08 Why are you running? You walk out of earthen for no reason. If you HAD saved your port here, you could’ve ported the glare (before to dodge it would be ideal, but even after leaves you totally safe from punish).

2:11 we howl just the DH?? I’m glad we remembered we have that button, but PLEASE use it when they’re both trying to grind on you like awkward high school students at a prom.

2:14 you re-fear the DH. Why? He’s already feared, you don’t have damage to swap to the healer, and your healer isn’t in CC. You are just putting him on DR and neither one of you is playing, which is wasting any tempo you could possibly generate. FIVE SOUL SHARDS. PRESS DAMAGE.
2:16 we cast a shadowbolt instead of a hand or ruination for some reason, which is definitely suboptimal.
2:16-2:18 we press space bar twice instead of using either one of our two hand of guldan procs. We are now two minutes into the game and we have used 31 damage globals (technically 33, but two were shadowbolts and those were almost literally wasted casts). You are spending literally 75% of your time not getting damage out. Now granted, some of this time was spent doing good CC, a GREAT port, and some solid kiting. However, I cannot overstate enough how much you would be easily 200+ CR higher by just doing your PVE rotation better.

Also, at this point the healer is off Fear DR and the DH is at ~66% HP. I hope we look to fear the healer asap and kill this DH with no nether and no dark!


Did u get some this morning? Too positive, I’m sketched out. Could this be schizophrenia? Or bipolar? So out of character cov.


2:18-2:24 we start casting damage, YASSS, QUEEN! However, since healer was off fear dr, if you feared him FIRST while the DH was hexed and rooted, you’d have all your pets ramped and a stun AND a tyrant in 6s to kill this guy forreal forreal.

Note, during this you press dark pact while the DH is rooted and then hexed. Press it sooner or don’t press it at all here. This is very much a waste

2:24-2:29 we kite and wizard here and stun the DH and the paladin runs at us for kicks??
Two things here: 1. Save your stun for like 4s to pair with tyrant and 2: FEAR THE HEALER. If you didn’t waste howl earlier, you could press it here while he W keys at you, clearly confusing your strong and powerful frame with a pillar that he should be hiding behind.

2:29-2:32 we literally just jump around for 3s because the paladin is on top of us? Fake a kick, or even cast a fear and get kicked so you can send damage!

This is how Mushu felt when Mulan didn’t blast shan-yu at the battle of the Tung Shao pass… I really hope you drop an avalanch on this guy, because if not your ancestors will be disappointed.





Okay, TL;DR:

I wish this was recorded on WCL so I could show you casts.

Combat was from 0:18-3:04, though, and in this 166 second window, you cast 54 damage globals, 3 of which were pointless shadowbolts, so really only 51. 51/166 or 30.7% of your time in combat actually doing damage. Again, a lot of that you’re CCing or kiting, but you ABSOLUTELY need to crank up that damage uptime.

Also, you get kicked 6 times and fake only one cast, so there’s room for improvement as well.

Additionally, CC healer and stun dps when you have damage and/or healer is off DR and you don’t have damage coming up for a while to get tempo - always look at DRs. CC dps when they have their CDs. Use port when your healer is in CC, and if you’re going to play howl, look for those double fears!

All in all, I really liked that you knew what the buttons were in your kit and where to press them and you had some REALLY solid plays, but it’s the basic common parts that everyone knows they’re supposed to do that you need the most practice with IMO.


TY, but I’m absolutely flaming this DH, that guy is Amelia Earhart levels of high and/or lost. That’s gotta be that guy who lost the base 4x in a row in my last comp stomp.

100%. I know the forums can be sometimes frustrating, troll-filled, or downright toxic, but I want you to know that I’ll always seriously try to help you or ANYONE who genuinely asks for assistance, ESPECIALLY if you go out of your way to show your play so I can give meaningful advice.

I used to think that a lot of higher rated players were toxic too when I first came around here, but I also found that when I got out of my own way and stopped trying to ego and learn & ask for help that people were more than willing to assist and be supportive!


Appreciate the guidance!

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I love this whole thread, think I’m gonna record a round and get sent to the twisting nether in critiques.


Bro i bet if u do it as bm people would go nuts on flaming lol. Forum bias.


Nas leading heavy. Goat. I don’t think a forum mvp has ever been more deserved.


People hate Demo as much as BM, the forum bias is more attuned towards hating people with egos claiming something other then themselves is keeping them down.


I haven’t seen that on the forums, only people bashing bm players.

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