Looking for casual LGBT guild

LGBT player looking for a casual guild home. Hoping to make some friends on the server. I travel for work so my schedule is varied, and most guilds seems to be interested in raids and schedules and I levels…not my thing. I am more interested in playing with nice people and having fun in a no pressure environment. Any suggestions for a guild like that are welcome. Thank you!

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Hey Veraxa!

I was so excited to finally see a post like yours! You are exactly the kind of player we like! I mean, most of us at The Anti Drama Society are basically what you described! :slight_smile:

It definately is true, mostly all the guilds out there are raiding guilds sadly… hah! but not ours! We are a social… clears throat “Hardcore Casual” (as my GM calls it) guild! :stuck_out_tongue: Everything we do, we do it casually, but hardcore! Lol!

Here’s my write up if you’d like to check it out:

I really hope to hear from you! I think you’d fit in perfectly! :smiley:
My info is on the write up! Please don’t hesitate to get a hold of me!

Have a great day!