The Anti Drama Society is recruiting! All players, any level!
Greetings! The Anti Drama Society is an 18+, LGBTQ+ Hardcore Casual guild on Proudmoore-Alliance-US. We are a group of friends looking for more folks to join our ranks!
People are always PvPing! There is usually a group you could hop into and tag along, we have a lot of fun in our pvp runs!
We are not currently raiding at this time, but may in the future.
Social Events:
We are “server famous” for our Trade Chat Trivia! We also have Guild Meetings once a month, Guild Darts, Scavenger Hunts, Guild Parades, Races, Transmog Contests/Dungeon Runs, We’ll be doing the 2019 Pride Parade with the server
this summer!
If you’re interested in joining us or have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to message:
Minglai: (Officer)
B.TAG: MING#13743
Can’t wait to hear from you!
<3 / M